* Jerry McBride peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> http://rahulthewall.wordpress.com/2008/06/22/why-i-use-gentoo/
> I try to get Gentoo on everything I touch or otherwise influence. It's the
> absolute best Linux distribution for those that know what they want and
> what they need. Gentoo... You need a full blown desktop with compiz-fusion
> or a specific purpose server... it's your call. You build exactly what you
> need... no extra fluff... It's kinda' like a perfect choice... Something no
> one ever had with proprietary OS's of any ilk.
The part about the extra fluff isn't quite right, though. With Gentoo,
you make broad decisions about what to include when packages are built.
I kind of prefer Debian, since it is a bit faster to install a package,
but I have found packages (fluxbox, mrxvt, maybe a few others) where I
decided to rebuild from source with my own settings.
But I enjoyed Gentoo for the most part, and should probably have a go at
it again (once I figure out why my spare box's video is dead).
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