On Sun, 22 Jun 2008 08:06:38 -0400, DFS wrote:
> 7 wrote:
>> Micoshaft is now reduced to a reactionary company, while Linux sets the
>> pace.
> "Vista is introducing alot of new features and I'm pretty sure we can
> (or will very shortly) replicate most of those features in Ubuntu."
> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-161670.html
>> Micoshaft revenues are sinking while google is rising. Both on same
>> magnitude now.
> MS revenues are rising, and are 3x those of Google. They're not at all
> comparable, but if they were - so what? Google isn't a Linux company.
> Google is an advertising company.
Google isn't a Linux comany? That depends on wht you mean by "Linux
company". It uses Linux to run its business. It contributes to OSS/Linux
>> So Micoshaft and their asstroturfers and what they have to say are no
>> longer that important.
> Signed, 7
> Lifelong Windows Developer
>> Google employs some one million Linux servers to beat the crap out of
>> Micoshaft.
> If MS is reactionary and "not that important" why do you talk about them
> so much?
If Linux is "not that important" why do you rant against it so much?