Note this story on Slashdot:
It's a submission about this article:
which is one Roy wrote for Datamation.
Note that the Slashdot story is attributed to "Anonymous reader". So,
Roy, why did you submit the story about you Datamation article
anonymously? On other sites, you are quite shameless about submitting
links to your own writings. Why try to hide at Slashdot?
Were you not aware that it would still show up on your profile page
as being a submission of yours?
(Of course, Roy is now going to accuse me of stalking him on Slashdot,
so I guess I should explain why I dared to look at his profile. He has
just announced that he's leaving Slashdot, and mentioned that his
stories have reached the front page several times. So I was curious to
see which stories these were, and checked his profile page).
--Tim Smith