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Re: Internet Explorer 8 beta cannot properly display Microsoft?s site

* Roy Schestowitz peremptorily fired off this memo:

> I've alreay come across complaints from people whose site 'breaks' in IE8. They
> blog/rant about it. Don't believe a word Microsoft says because judging by
> ACID3, Microsoft's browsers remain _by far_ the worst.  See this:
> ACID3 and Konqueror
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| As you can see, amongst stable versions (in bold), Konqueror beats them all. 
>| Hip, hip, hooray for Konqueror (KHTML) devs! And one hip and hooray for 
>| WebKit!  
> `----
> http://ivan.fomentgroup.org/blog/2008/03/04/acid3-and-konqueror/

   WebKit            90 < Edit
   Firefox 3         67 < Edit
   Opera 9.50        65
   Konqueror 4       63
   Firefox 3b3       59
   Firefox 2         50
   Konqueror 3.5.8   ~50 (see the comments below for details) < Edit
   Opera 9.26        46
   Safari 3.0.4      39
   IE 8b1            17 < Edit (thanks to all who tested)
   IE 7              6-12 depending on installed plugins

So the Edward troll was absolutely LYING about IE8 hitting 100 on this
test, it sounds like.

And Tim didn't call him on it?

Tsk tsk.

I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the
solutions they will be moved to act.
   -- Bill Gates

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