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[News] Mac User and Linux Desktop Skeptic Picks Ubuntu Linux

  • Subject: [News] Mac User and Linux Desktop Skeptic Picks Ubuntu Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 03:50:14 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Starting a week with Ubuntu and Lenovo's X61 ThinkPad: First impressions

,----[ Quote ]
| I finally decided to put my OS where my mouth is. Or, at least, where my 
| typing fingers are. I'm typing this from a Lenovo X61 ThinkPad...running 
| Ubuntu 7.10. I'm going to spend the next week or so reporting on the 
| experience, including some first-person accounts from the lady who has cut my 
| hair for the past 21 years, Valerie, and my grandma, whom I've noted before 
| has been locked out of the Linux experience.     


Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Alpha 6 Screenshots



,----[ Quote ]
| Early this month, Mark Pilgrim made waves when he went shopping for a
| new Mac, but decided not to buy one, and, in When the bough breaks, wrote
| at length about switching to Ubuntu. I've been thinking about this a
| lot recently, and now John Gruber's written And Oranges, a fine excursus
| on Mark?s piece. I'm pondering the switch away myself, too, and maybe
| sharing my thoughts will be helpful. [Update: Lots of feedback on the
| state of the Ubuntu art.] [Update: More from Mark. I feel sick,
| physically nauseated, that Apple has hidden my email--the record of
| my life--away in a proprietary undocumented format. I've had this happen
| once before (the culprit was Eudora); fool me twice, shame on me. Hear
| a funny sound? That's a camel's back, breaking.]
| [...]
| Will I Switch? · Yes. For Mark?s reasons, and because I'm pretty darn
| sure that either Ubuntu or some other distro will eventually get the
| key things right.
| Alternatively, Apple could open-source a few of their apps so we could
| all fix the pain points, and they could start having an actual
| conversation with the world. Nothing less is acceptable.
| As John Gruber points out, neither Mark nor I are exactly typical.
| But you know what? I think that if the GNU/Linux/Solaris community
| can sustain its current level of energy and progress, and if Apple
| maintains its dysfunctional communications culture, there are going to
| be better choices just not for me, but for a lot of other people too.


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