____/ Sinister Midget on Wednesday 05 March 2008 23:50 : \____
> On 2008-03-05, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> On Wed, 05 Mar 2008 16:25:05 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Yahoo, Time Warner reportedly discuss deal to thwart Microsoft bid
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| Yahoo and Time Warner have held talks on a deal designed to thwart
>>>| Microsoft's bid for Yahoo, according to a report in The Wall Street
>>>| Journal.
>>> `----
>> Yet this won't stop you from saying Microsoft is "approaching debt", now
>> will it?
> If MS plans on borrowing to buy Yahoo, they are "approaching" debt, by
> definition. It may be contingent on a deal, but their intent is to
> borrow money to help finance a deal should it be needed. That was the
> stated position of people inside MS. Presumably, if that deal falls
> through, they will no longer /be/ approaching debt. But they are still
> planning that as a possibility should the deal happen, or until such
> time as they announce differently.
> Talks with others by Yahoo might ultimately abrogate any need to
> "approach" debt. But that hasn't stopped any deals yet since no
> movement by anyone having talks with Yahoo has yielded any results.
> Don't they teach you shills /anything/ before they send you out into
> the cold, hard world? Or is that a public high school thing?
Wow. That was a very tactless remark from Erik. _NOT TO MENTION_ an admission
of validity of an argument he previously denied.
Buy hey... let Microsoft just become a small IBM-like dinosaur without Yahoo.
It won't last for long either way.
Why Microsoft Should Fret
,----[ Quote ]
| But what if at stake in the battle isn't just Microsoft's position in selling
| ads, but the very survival of its core software business? Microsoft would
| never admit that so much is on the line.
~~ Best of wishes
Roy S. Schestowitz | What is all that lipstick in XP's close button?
http://Schestowitz.com | GNU is Not UNIX | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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