[H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx> wrote in message news:tpa2a5-j3n.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>> [snip litany of Microsoft's Mafia tactics]
> How anyone can have the gall to denounce our criticism of Microsoft as
> "irrational hatred", defies logic. It's as if they've been brainwashed.
But, [H]omer, you just don't understand. Mafia$oft would never do any-
thing immoral, illegal, or unethical. Just ask any one of Mafia$oft's
army of paid shills here in comp.os.LINUX.advocacy and they'll affirm it.
Well, here, let one of Mafia$oft's astroturfers (whose M$ shilling con-
tract was evidently just renewed) explain it to you in his own words:
"None of you - not one of you - can support your ridiculous
shrill and frequent cries of
MS 'extortion',
MS 'bribes',
MS 'sabotage',
MS 'corruption',
MS 'gangsters',
MS 'terror',
MS-funded 'asstroturfing', etc."
-- news:qfozj.114490$K27.36930@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
See? Mafia$oft is always completely innocent of any and all misconduct!
Feeling the heat at Microsoft
Q: A couple of years ago you reiterated that IBM was
Microsoft's biggest competitor and you said not just
on the business side, but overall. If I ask you who is
*Microsoft's BIGGEST competitor now*, who would it be?
Ballmer: Open...*LINUX*. I don't want to say open source.
*LINUX*, certainly have to go with that.
http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6232458.html (02/28/08)