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[News] OOXML BRM a "Utter and Predictable Embarrassment", People Mugged

  • Subject: [News] OOXML BRM a "Utter and Predictable Embarrassment", People Mugged
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:01:42 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The OOXML BRM: Secrets and statistics

,----[ Quote ]
| Of all the “condensed” resolutions from ECMA, approximately 82% were not 
| discussed at all, including counter proposals for these same issues. That 
| leaves about 18% that were either discussed and voted on or else voted on 
| early in batch. (I’m fine with batch votes for minor typographical fixes.)   
| What an utter and predictable embarrassment.


Geneva Warning

,----[ Quote ]
| There were 120 delegates in Geneva for a week for the BRM, and two of them 
| were mugged. One fellow got a fractured jaw and a woman had her purse 
| grabbed. This is not exactly the image one has of Switzerland. Who knows, 
| maybe it’s just a statistical fluke. Maybe ISO delegates look like soft 
| targets. But if I were going to be in Geneva, I’d watch where I walked and be 
| careful about being alone.     



The Art of Being Mugged

,----[ Quote ]
| The four options presented were:
|     * Option 1: Submitter's responses (Ecma's) are all automatically 
|       approved. 
|     * Option 2: Anything not discussed is not approved.
|     * Option 3: Neutral third-party (ITTF) decides which Ecma responses are 
|        accepted 
|     * Option 4: Voting (approve + disapprove) must be at least 9 votes. 
|       Abstentions not counted. 
| We were told that these options are not in the Directives and that were are 
| given these choices because ITTF "needs to act in the best interests of the 
| IEC". I don't quite get it, but there appears to be some concern over what 
| the press would think if the BRM did not handle all of the comments. One NB 
| requested to speak and asked, "I wonder what the press would think about 
| arbitrarily changed procedures?". No response. I thought to myself, why 
| wasn't ITTF thinking about the 'best interests" of JTC1 when they allowed a 
| 6,045 page Fast Track submission, or ignored all those contradiction 
| submissions, or decided to schedule a 5-day BRM to handle 3,522 NB comments. 
| Isn't it a bit late to start worrying about what the press will think?         
| We break for lunch.
| After lunch and after more discussion, the meeting adopted a variation of 
| option 4, by removing the vote minimum. I believe in this vote the BRM and 
| ITTF exceeded its authority and violated the consensus principles described 
| in JTC1 Directives.   


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