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Re: [News] OOXML BRM a "Utter and Predictable Embarrassment", People Mugged

____/ Mark Kent on Tuesday 04 March 2008 08:10 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> The OOXML BRM: Secrets and statistics
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Of all the ?condensed? resolutions from ECMA, approximately 82% were not
>>| discussed at all, including counter proposals for these same issues. That
>>| leaves about 18% that were either discussed and voted on or else voted on
>>| early in batch. (I?m fine with batch votes for minor typographical fixes.)
>>| What an utter and predictable embarrassment.
>> `----
>> http://www.sutor.com/newsite/blog-open/?p=2090
>> Geneva Warning
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| There were 120 delegates in Geneva for a week for the BRM, and two of them
>>| were mugged. One fellow got a fractured jaw and a woman had her purse
>>| grabbed. This is not exactly the image one has of Switzerland. Who knows,
>>| maybe it?s just a statistical fluke. Maybe ISO delegates look like soft
>>| targets. But if I were going to be in Geneva, I?d watch where I walked and
>>| be careful about being alone.
>> `----
>> http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/03/03/Geneva-Warning
> This is an appalling state of affairs.  As a one-time long-time ITU
> Rapporteur, I'm very familiar with the tactics used to lift particular
> issues to the forefront of typically very busy committees, and to drum
> up support across different delegations.
> In my decade of standards work, I never saw anything remotely like
> what's being reported from the ISO/BRM.  This really is corruption in
> action, is so overt as to be, as is said above, an embarrassment.
> The result of Microsoft's activity here should be to review all procedures
> and processes of the ISO body, in particular, to ensure that ECMA-approved
> documents are not put through accelerated approvals processes since
> they are clearly no longer trustworthy, and that we taxpayers should
> be assured that our representatives from  our national delegations are
> not representing a foreign company's interests and putting them beyond
> our own.
Microsoft already plans this for XPS (with ECMA's help). Watch out, ISO.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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