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[News] Open-source Intelligence and Open Source Mashup Server

  • Subject: [News] Open-source Intelligence and Open Source Mashup Server
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 18:25:32 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Open secret: spy agencies reject essential sources

,----[ Quote ]
| Many intelligence officers still do not have access to the internet, they 
| say, and the six intelligence agencies still do not have a functioning 
| electronic system for sharing information.  
| The information revolution has given the agencies access to masses of "open 
| source" intelligence, especially on the internet. 


New Open Source WSO2 Mashup Server

,----[ Quote ]
| WSO2, the global open source SOA company, this week launched the WSO2 Mashup 
| Server 1.0, an application featuring a composition of digital resources. A 
| Mashup Server is a installable software providing the platform that supports 
| the development of Mashups.   



In search for foreign intelligence, spies turn to YouTube, MySpace, blogs

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source intelligence collection focuses on compiling and analyzing 
| unclassified data from publicly available sources for use by the CIA, policy 
| makers and other law enforcement agencies. Formerly known as the Foreign 
| Broadcast Information Service, the Open Source Center's mission in recent 
| years has shifted from translating newspaper and television reports from 
| abroad to culling the Web for information on foreign targets. The center 
| trains intelligence agents and others in government.      


The Wikipedia way to better intelligence

,----[ Quote ]
| The lesson? Advanced technology and Web-savvy citizenry now make
| it possible for open-source information gathering to rival, if
| not surpass, the clandestine intelligence produced by government
| agencies.
| Indeed, open-source methods have already proved their worth in 
| counterterrorism.


Open-source intelligence moving to the fore

,----[ Quote ]
| Naquin told the audience attending the GeoINT 2006 conference that John 
| Negroponte, the director of National Intelligence, believes that "open 
| source can be the first manifestation of an integrated community." 
| [...]
| "This year... we have a plus-up in our base" budget, Naquin
| said. "The stars are aligned as well as they've been in my
| lifetime for open source."


US Intelligence Goes Wikipedia Route With 'Intellipedia'

,----[ Quote ]
| The same open source software was used in
| April to create what some 3,600 intelligence workers have dubbed
| "Intellipedia," the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.


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