> Has any arrangement been made concerning new versions of Silverlight?
> Presumably, at some point Microsoft will develop an updated version, and
> release an implementation of that and specs. Users will then start
> updating to that. At some point after that, there will be enough users
> that sites will consider it safe to start requiring that the user have
> the new version.
That makes sense; Hopefully we will tracking Silverlight 2.0 fairly
In another post I outlined our current priorities (leading to shipping
but once we sort those out we will switch development to 2.0.
> Will theMoonlightteam get access to that new spec early enough to have
> the new Linux client available when sites start requiring it?
Yes, we already have them, and have had for a few months now. We
have done
some work on a private tree (the 'oil' tree). The work will become
when Microsoft officially releases the new APIs.