* A Gnu World Order peremptorily fired off this memo:
> But when an army of Mafia$oft propagandists and "jihad"ists (Mafia$oft's own
> term) invade and occupy the advocacy newsgroup of an operating system which the
> Mafia$oft propagandists claim is virtually nonexistent, then it is abundantly
> clear to any sentient human being that those Mafia$oft propagandists are there
> for one overriding purpose, one obvious agenda -- blatant corporate evangelism.
> http://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=groklaw+microsoft+evangelism
You'd think Windows would survive on its own merits or on the basis of
its (still) predatory monopoly.
> It is no different than if Christians were to invade a synagogue, or Jews were
> were to invade a mosque, or Muslims were to invade a church, etc. It is no-
> thing less than evangelism -- blatant corporate evangelism by paid lackeys.
Well, at least here you won't get shivs and scimitars drawn, and flowing
A pity, really. <grin>
> But no, not Mafia$oft, nor its army of online evangelists who willingly pros-
> titute themselves for a few bits of dosh, or a perhaps few Mafia$oft trinkets.
It's a meaner version of Amway.
The rest was a bit over-the-top <grin>.
Anybody here about the latest EU Microsoft fine over conventional media
outlets yet?
Excluding NPR, that is?
Or is the rest of the world's news organizations as interested in
Britney's travails as is American news?
I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the
solutions they will be moved to act.
-- Bill Gates