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Re: SPAMMER "Moshe Goldfarb" *IS* "flatfish"

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message

____/ A Gnu World Order on Saturday 01 March 2008 04:10 : \____

   Google Groups: "Results 2601 - 2652 of about 2,660 from
   Jan 11, 2008 to Feb 29, 2008 for group:comp.os.linux.advocacy


"It's quantity not quality."

"It is all about quantity, not quality."

"COLA is a complete wasteland. A repository for SPAM."

"I guess his benefactors made him an offer he could not refuse."

"His benefactors pay him by how much he posts not the quality."

"Anything to seed Google and please his benefactors."

"Another hypocrite has been outed."

His real name is Gary Stewart.

The original post was not intended to imply that "Moshe Goldfarb" is flatty's
real name -- only that flatty *CLAIMS* that "Moshe Goldfarb" is his real name.
Obviously, if "Moshe" is not flatty's real name, then flatty is a flat-out liar.

Of course, everyone in c.o.l.a who isn't brain-dead knows that "Moshe" is just
another one of countless bizarre throwaway nyms that flatty pulled out of his
ass to use for a while -- along with his countless other sockpuppet nyms.  One
need only browse Google Groups for proof.  Same old flatty, different weird nym.

He is an 'unemployed' Microsoft fan/shill/PR guy from New York... or some-
thing of that sort, batting for Microsoft

By his own criteria and his own high "standards of proof," he is a paid2post
shill for Micro$oft.  After all, flatty himself has claimed endlessly that
anyone who SPAMS c.o.l.a around the clock has no life and is obviously a paid-
2post shill for some "benefactor."  Well, flatty posts here around the clock.
And flatty's "benefactor" is most certainly not GNU/Linux/FOSS or even Apple.


not only in COLA by the way.

Fortunately, I've never had the distinct "privilege" of encountering the rub-
bish and propaganda of His Assholiness anywhere else but in c.o.l.a or Google.
Doubtless, it is the same worthless flatso BS elsewhere as it is here in cola.

You know, if those who hate GNU/Linux/FOSS want to express themselves freely,
there is a proper place for that -- over on news:comp.os.windows.advocacy.
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and all that.  Let the Mafia$oft fan-
boys mock Linux advocates, curse Linus, and throw chairs at FOSS all they want
over in news:comp.os.windows.advocacy -- or some other appropriate newsgroup.
No one in c.o.l.a is preventing any "winvocate" from exercising that freedom.

But when an army of Mafia$oft propagandists and "jihad"ists (Mafia$oft's own
term) invade and occupy the advocacy newsgroup of an operating system which the
Mafia$oft propagandists claim is virtually nonexistent, then it is abundantly
clear to any sentient human being that those Mafia$oft propagandists are there
for one overriding purpose, one obvious agenda -- blatant corporate evangelism.


It is no different than if Christians were to invade a synagogue, or Jews were
were to invade a mosque, or Muslims were to invade a church, etc.  It is no-
thing less than evangelism -- blatant corporate evangelism by paid lackeys.


Common decency and common sense would certainly allow Christians to be Chris-
tians in their own churches, Jews to be Jews in their own synagogues, Muslims
to be Muslims in their own mosques, and atheists to be atheists wherever they
might congregate, etc., etc. -- "birds of a feather" and all that.

But no, not Mafia$oft, nor its army of online evangelists who willingly pros-
titute themselves for a few bits of dosh, or a perhaps few Mafia$oft trinkets.

It is unacceptable to Stalinist Mafia$oft to allow even a few Linux geeks to
gather in peace in some unobtrusive corner of Usenet to gab about Linus, RMS,
the merits of Kubuntu, or to gripe about Windows.  Mafia$oft is bound and de-
termined to abolish freedom and dictate to every man, woman, and child, every
Christian, Jew, Muslim, atheist (and anyone else) the wicked ways of corporate
slavery -- corporate slavery to the corporate "Beast from Redmond": Mafia$oft.


One would think that slavery had jumped the shark long ago and was almost
universally reviled in today's world; but, evidently, certain unenlightened
corporate mindsets are still hopelessly mired in the dark ages of times past.

Evidently, he communicates with other shills/business partners/whatever
behind the scenes, by his own admission.

Seeing as how flatty shamelessly "slurps" other anti-Linux/anti-FOSS postings
by other anti-Linux/anti-FOSS shills and propagandists, I don't even want to
know what he does "behind the scenes" -- even if it's "bi his own admission."

Where's the proof that he has any offspring at all, let alone a daughter who
is allegedly "headed to law school"?  As usual, there is no proof provided.
Serial pathological liars will fabricate any BS and tell any story, no matter
how improbable or implausible -- and that, without any conscience whatsoever.

It's best to put Gary on the filters as soon as he shows up with a new
honeypot, name, E-mail account, whatever...

You should see my killfile.  Unfortunately, when flatty's usual vomit is
quoted even in postings by legitimate GNU/Linux/FOSS advocates (such as Mark
and [H]omer and others, etc.), it is next to impossible to filter it all out
without killfiling those legitimate GNU/Linux/FOSS advocates in the process.

feeding is what those scum crave.

You are constantly accused of many things by a veritable army of detractors,
and one in particular.  Perhaps you can overlook an instance where the sheer
hypocrisy of one of your most vile and detestable detractors was noted and

If they get ignored or only communicate among themselves, nobody will take
them seriously.

Fools will.  But when has c.o.l.a ever been short of obsequious M$ fools?

Judging by how pedantic they are, they spend some time crafting response
(proofreading, fact-checking, stalking ['intelligence'] and all...).

You're not the only one who sees what really goes on in c.o.la.

Pro-Microsoft trolling isn't just rising in COLA. It's a little more 'global'
than this. I see reports elsewhere.

As many of your postings have documented.  Trolling, "lobbying," bribing, corrup-
ting, threatening -- the list of Mafia$oft's "jihad" offenses goes on and on.


You know what a man once said:

*"If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good."
                --Bill Gates, Microsoft

Microsoft is now at the stage where it has to slam the competition, simply
because it cannot compete based on technical merits of its own.

It is indeed fortunate that so many are finally awaking to that realization.

Microsoft can no longer ignore Linux/FOSS/GPL.

"Everything is fine.  Micro$oft is winning!"

Hemorrhaging red ink in most departments?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Xbox still ruining discs, burning houses, and killing babies?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Zune still utterly dominated by Apple's iPod?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

M$ online search in its own "death spiral"?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Vista still at only a few % of corporate desktops?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

OOXML fast-track didn't quite go as planned?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Firefox steadily eating away at IE?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

OpenOffice still on the rise?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

More OEMs now offering pre-installed 'communism'?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

M$ down to one or two cash cows?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Gates still dumping M$ shares?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

M$ still buying back stock?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Mass exodus of M$ executives?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

More EU antitrust investigations?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Billion-dollar EU fines?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Suddenly lost $44+ billion in market value?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Fighting to go into multi-billion-dollar *DEBT* (Yahoo!)?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Linux STILL a 'cancer'?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Fucking Google STILL not dead yet?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Gates officially almost gone?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Redmond running out of chairs?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Sweaty sweating more than usual?  "Micro$oft is winning!"

Microsoft can no longer just laugh at Linux/FOSS/GPL.

"Trust us!  Linux doesn't exist!  Micro$oft is winning!"

"FOSS is for bearded hippies.  Micro$oft is winning!"

"GPL doesn't apply to us.  Micro$oft is winning!"

"Trust us, we're Micro$oft, and Micro$oft is always winning!"

Microsoft is now /fighting/ Linux/FOSS/GPL and /fighting/ against those
who 'dare' to praise Linux/FOSS/GPL (e.g. smear campaigns against Peter

Mafia$oft and its propagandists are already bankrupt -- morally bankrupt.

Anyway, shouldn't Apple be a bigger threat to Mafia$oft than GNU/Linux/FOSS?
Do the Apple/Mac newsgroups get the same volume of Mafia$oft propaganda and
corporate evangelism and Mafia$oft "jihad" that c.o.l.a gets?  If not, why
not?  Does Mafia$oft consider GNU/Linux/FOSS to be a bigger threat than Ma-
fia$oft's online shills, evangelists, and propagandists are paid to let on?


After all, according to Mafia$oft's astroturfers, Linux allegedly has, what, a
mere "0.00000000000000000000000000000001% of the desktop market," if even that?
How insane is that, then, to fight so hard against something which, for all in-
tents and purposes, is nonexistent?  Methinks the Beast doth protest too much.
Is GNU/Linux/FOSS, in actual fact, "stealing food off poor Mafia$oft's plate"?

Oh, but of course not!  Ask any paid Mafia$oft shill: "Micro$oft is winning!"

You know what the fourth phase is.

Jesus returns in glory to smite MicroSatan and send Sweaty to eternal torment??


Anyway, JMO.  YMMV, etc.

"What would Jesus do? He'd use Linux, that's what."

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