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[News] Apple Eats Crow (Software Patent Poison)

  • Subject: [News] Apple Eats Crow (Software Patent Poison)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 18:21:13 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Apple sued over iPhone caller ID

,----[ Quote ]
| Figa's patent, describes an "an automatic incoming telephone call number 
| display system for detecting an incoming call and identifying the party 
| associated with the incoming call number".  
| Like the iPhone, the system "includes a directory of telephone numbers and 
| parties associated with those numbers," and it's equipped with "circuitry 
| detects the origin telephone number of an incoming telephone call and 
| compares that number with numbers in the directory for identifying the 
| calling party."    


Apple should really stop filing patents and start fighting against them.


Apple files UI elements patent relating to hierarchical menus, more

,----[ Quote ]
| On January 31, the US Patent & Trademark Office published eleven of Apple’s 
| patent applications in total. This particular report centers on Apple’s 
| patent application titled  User interface elements for hierarchical selection 
| of items  while listing several continuation patents. Apple’s current patent 
| generally relates to user interface elements.    


Consumer and Public Interest Groups Back New U.S. Patent Rules That Would
Curtail Abusive Behavior By Applicants

,----[ Quote ]
| A coalition of consumer advocacy and public interest groups today filed legal 
| papers supporting new U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) rules that would curtail 
| abusive behavior by patent applicants and improve patent quality.  
| In a friend-of-the-court brief filed in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, 
| VA., the groups urged that an injunction blocking the proposed rules be 
| lifted and they be implemented immediately.  
| The proposed new regulations ask applicants to justify the need for more than 
| two continuations per application and assist the USPTO in performing initial 
| technological research on applications that contain an excessive number of 
| claims.   


Top Ten Patent Trolls of 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| 3. Acacia. I didn't start tracking Acacia carefully until the summer. But 
| still, on my blog I have reported on over two dozen lawsuits brought by 
| Acacia this year, against more than 235 defendants. That's in addition to the 
| over 200 lawsuits Acacia filed in previous years against hundreds and 
| hundreds of defendants. And that's not including the two lawsuits (at least) 
| Acacia has filed in December against 20 more defendants (yes, Acacia, I'm 
| watching you). Acacia's business model, as a publicly traded company, is to 
| accumulate patents and sue as many companies as possible in order to extract 
| licenses. They have a market cap of over 275 million - that pays for a lot of 
| lawsuits. Unlike other trolls, Acacia tends to not focus on one court in 
| particular, although they have sampled the Eastern District of Texas more 
| this year than in the past.           


Yahoo Patent Troll


Who is the world's biggest patent troll?

,----[ Quote ]
| In two consecutive days, The Wall Street Journal presented two different 
| answers. The first is not surprising: Intellectual Ventures, the brainchild 
| of ex-Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold. It's now out "to raise as much as 
| $1 billion to help develop and patent inventions, many of them from 
| universities in Asia."   


Playing Microsoft Patent Poker 

,----[ Quote ]
| This time though, while Ballmer slinks away to try to con … convince people 
| that Microsoft Unified Communications somehow offers people more than what 
| Cisco's VOIP (voice over IP) been offering customers for years, a patent 
| attack finally launches at Linux. Specifically, IP Innovation, a subsidiary 
| of Acacia Technologies Group, has filed a patent infringement claim against 
| Linux distributors Novell and Red Hat.     
| So was it just timing, or was it something more? Let's take a look at the 
| players.  


The Goldfarb Declaration - Updated: MS Statement

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the Declaration, Richard Emerson was not the only
| Microsoft employee Goldfarb was dealing with in connection with the
| BayStar investment in SCO. He mentions by name two others, from two
| other departments.


,----[ Quote ]
| "There you have it. At least a third of SCO's entire market
| capitalization, and their entire current cash reserves, is payoffs
| funnelled from Microsoft. Their 10Qs reveal that every other line of
| cash inflow is statistical noise by comparison. The brave new
| SCO source business model is now clear: sue your customers, shill
| for Microsoft, kite your stock, and pray you stay out of jail."


Friday Patent Litigation News

,----[ Quote ]
| Reader Anthony Sabatini of New York writes to tell me that the auto-text 
| patent asserted by Acacia subsidiary AutoText in Cleveland might be invalid 
| in light of the Control Data Corp CDC6600 console system developed two 
| decades earlier.   
| [...]
| Finally, IP Innovation and Technology Licensing Corp. -- in other words, 
| ACACIA -- filed a lawsuit in Marshall against Google, accusing Google's 
| search engine and Google Earth of infringing two patents. This is the same 
| Acacia sub that sued Red Hat and Novell over Linux, with the same lawyers - 
| Johnny Ward and Eric Albritton. But these are different patents. The patents 
| asserted against Google are 5,276,785 and 5,675,819, which Acacia got from 
| Xerox. Nice going, Xerox.      


Acacia and Niro File Another Multi-Defendant Lawsuit on JPEG-on-a-Website
Patent, Bringing Total to 16 Companies Sued

,----[ Quote ]
| Assuming it files one per month for the next 39 months until the patent 
| expires, then what Acacia is really seeking is $600M from US industry for the 
| JPEG-on-a-website patent. My guess is they’ll sue many more companies than 
| that, and seek up to a billion dollars – which, assuming a 33% contingency 
| fee (which is low, probably), amounts to a cool $100 million per year for the 
| Niro firm.     
| And people wonder why he’d like to shut down websites critical of Acacia and 
| other patent trolls. The real question is what does he want from you and me, 
| for our photo blogs, our personal websites. His statements to IP Law 360 only 
| referred to companies.   
| The other real question is how many companies will spend millions in 
| attorneys fees to fight rather than pay the $500K or $1M or $2M that Acacia 
| is demanding. That's the sad state of patent litigation these days.  


Most of Chinese New Patents Are Garbage

,----[ Quote ]
| On November 27, 2007, the Innovative National Construction and Intellectual 
| Property Symposium was held in Beijing. Representatives from a variety of 
| industries spoke at the event; most of them expressed their worries and 
| frustrations with China’s IPR protection framework. Mr. Fu Shaoming, head of 
| the IPR unit from Foxconn, China’s largest electronics OEM firm, claimed in 
| his speech that 90% of China's new and practical patents are de facto garbage 
| and should be discarded.      


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