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Re: [News] BECTA Allows Microsoft to Charge Money for GNU/Linux PCs, FOSS

____/ Mark Kent on Thursday 20 March 2008 11:38 : \____

> William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Mark Kent wrote:
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> Microsoft Tax on Linux in Schools must end says Becta
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>| This relates to circumstances where schools using Microsoft?s School
>>>>| Agreement licensing model, are required to pay Microsoft licensing fees
>>>>| for computers based on Linux, or using OpenOffice.org. Finding ourselves
>>>>| in a position whereby a school pays (say) £169 for a device only to be
>>>>| faced with for example a £30 per year after year payment to Microsoft,
>>>>| for a system that is not running any of their software would just not be
>>>>| acceptable to Becta. Indeed I don?t think many people would consider that
>>>>| fair.
>>>> `----
>>> The grammar school which my sons attend is moving to Openoffice this
>>> year.  The primary school at which I'm a governor already has a linux
>>> mail server and web filter, and we're looking to kit the school out with
>>> mini PCs of the Elonex/Eee/OLPC variety starting this year too.
>>> Fortunately, at my school, we do not have a "school" licence which would
>>> enable Microsoft to charge for non-Microsoft machines.  I'm not sure
>>> about others.
>>> Use open platforms!
>> Sandwich Technology College (UK) has approximately 1,000 computers.
>> There's nothing online about it (yet), but I understand they intend to
>> migrate their machines to OpenOffice immediately.
> This cannot be a coincidence.  Maybe it's going to start in Kent :-)

It's good to see that this becomes a reality. You're pulling a Linpro.

The BECTA interview has a headline that defends BECTA, but the reality often
suggests otherwise. At least they learned to shun Vista and MSO07.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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