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[News] BECTA Allows Microsoft to Charge Money for GNU/Linux PCs, FOSS

  • Subject: [News] BECTA Allows Microsoft to Charge Money for GNU/Linux PCs, FOSS
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 02:12:04 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Microsoft Tax on Linux in Schools must end says Becta

,----[ Quote ]
| This relates to circumstances where schools using Microsoft’s School 
| Agreement licensing model, are required to pay Microsoft licensing fees for 
| computers based on Linux, or using OpenOffice.org. Finding ourselves in a 
| position whereby a school pays (say) £169 for a device only to be faced with 
| for example a £30 per year after year payment to Microsoft, for a system that 
| is not running any of their software would just not be acceptable to Becta. 
| Indeed I don’t think many people would consider that fair.      



Microsoft bows to complaint from Linpro

,----[ Quote ]
| Schools will no longer be subjected to Windows licensing for Linux or Mac 
| computers. Furthermore, Microsoft has accepted to discontinue their 
| commercial bundling which required schools to buy several Microsoft 
| products to obtain discounts.   


WEEE directive threatens Microsoft OEM sales

,----[ Quote ]
| There's a possibility Microsoft may well dump the OEM scheme and that
| could prompt small firms that don't want to be WEEEing to install Linux
| or even pirate OSes.


Intensified Battle Lines

,----[ Quote ]
| Some years back Open Source Industry Australia (OSIA) spokesperson
| Steven D'Aprano had posed a most intriguing question, "If Microsoft
| has a problem with piracy, it shouldn't be blamed on OEMs who sell
| PCs with Linux pre-installed or no operating system at all. Should
| we discourage supermarkets from selling plain bread, because
| shoppers might steal butter from elsewhere?"
| [...]
| For long now a tag has been associated with Linux. Industry players
| and resellers say Linux has become a smart, official, cheap and
| convenient form of piracy. The charge, is however, outrightly
| rejected by the Linux vendors.
| At their end, open source vendors will not miss an opportunity to
| assert that anyone who has benefited out of piracy is the
| proprietary vendors, like Microsoft.
| [...]
| Partners are already moving close to Linux vendors for various
| reasons. The days to come will, therefore, offer interesting
| battle lines unfolding between MS and open source players.


Treachery In The Trenches

,----[ Quote ]
| I believe that most people do not grasp the immense entity of Microsoft.
| This is an organization and a man who commands the attention and bidding
| of world leaders. On a recent trip to America, the President of China
| spent his first evening in the United States, not with our President,
| but Bill Gates. He was the guest of the Gates mansion that first
| evening and the guest of honor for a dinner attended by over one
| hundred people. Why? To ask him to crack down on Software piracy
| and to insure that his computer manufacturers put Microsoft Windows
| on thier newly made machines instead of shipping them with no OS. He
| didn't see the President of the United States for over 36 hours...he
| spent that time with Bill Gates at his home and at the Redmond
| Campus.


Becta has a lot to learn

,----[ Quote ]
| Rather than investing time and energy into helping to promote real 
| alternatives to Redmond's hold on school IT, Becta is simply using the OFT as 
| a negotiating tool. Like many organisations, Becta seems incapable of 
| thinking outside a Microsoft-defined box.   


Another false dawn for open source in UK schools?

,----[ Quote ]
| “Mark Taylor of the Open Source Consortium pressure group said: ‘This is a 
| mini-step in the right direction but what Becta is actually doing is keeping 
| Microsoft in front of the market to the exclusion of alternatives.’ He 
| claimed Becta’s complaint is part of the process of negotiating a new 
| contract for  the use of Microsoft technology in schools and will therefore 
| only add to the visibility of Microsoft in the market.”      


Lawmaker blasts U.K. government on Microsoft policy

,----[ Quote ]
| "A member of Parliament of the United Kingdom has launched a stinging
| attack on the U.K. government's IT strategy, saying that it has given
| Microsoft too much control.
| John Pugh, who is a member of Parliament, or MP, for Southport and a
| member of the Public Accounts Committee, was speaking in an
| adjournment debate on Tuesday that he had called. The aim of the
| debate, he said, was to explore the alternatives to using Microsoft
| software, including open source."
| [...]


Becta's schools software scheme reported to EC

,----[ Quote ]
| An advisor to Becta, the education technology quango, has complained
| to the European Commission about its procurement process for firms
| to provide online learning platforms and content to British schools.


Microsoft's academic licensing programmes: Interim report with recommendations
for improving value for money

,----[ Quote ]
| Summary and recommedations:... This interim report sets out the 
| initial findings of Becta's review, which concluded that Microsoft's 
| licensing arrangements in the education sector are characterised by:
|     * Significant potential for institutions to find themselves 
|      'locked in' to Microsoft's subscription licensing arrangements
|     * Very significant complexity leading to a lack of 
|       understanding at institution level that has resulted in
|       widespread use of inappropriate licensing strategies
| Becta found that the range of subscription licensing models available 
| to the academic sector was more restrictive than those available
| generally, and that it was very difficult for educational 
| institutions to identify crucial information on the costs of 
| exiting their Microsoft agreement by converting from a subscription 
| payment to a perpetual license (the buy-out cost).
| Becta further identified that these buy-ouot costs were 
| significant....In respect of avoiding potential lock-in, Becta 
| found that ... academic customers have no access to a version of 
| a Microsoft subscription agreement that automatically grants a 
| right to use the software in perpetuity....
| Microsoft's subscription licensing agreements are all or nothing: 
| in other words, if a school wants to cover any of its ICT estate 
| using a subscription agreement, it must cover all its 'eligible 
| PCs'. Microsoft has set the definition of an eligible PC as any 
| computer with a specification of a PII processor or higher (the 
| Pii was launched in 1997). The eligible PC definition also includes 
| Apple Macintosh computers (G3 or higher). This approach results 
| in over-licensing, double licensing and other anomolies.


Local Authorities avoid Becta framework as Europe opens investigation

,----[ Quote ]
| Local Authorities are avoiding the use of Becta's framework 
| procurement for Learning Platforms, while the European 
| Commission has formally registered Alpha Learning's 
| complaint that the framework failed to comply with 
| European regulations for public procurement.


OSC joins criticism of UK education's attitude to open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Open Source Consortium president, Mark Taylor, has been in contact to
| voice its opinion on the controversy surrounding Becta's purchasing
| frameworks and the adoption of open source adoption in UK schools.
| In short, it doesn't make happy reading for Becta. "The essence of
| our concern is that they're saying one thing and actually pursuing
| policies that are exclusive," he said. "Becta's own research shows there
| are major benefits [with open source], however the reality of the
| framework is that it excludes both products and services."


UK Government criticised for stifling open source in schools 

,----[ Quote ]
| MP Pugh reckons shcools should support independent or open source
| software firms. He says, "In my experience a school is a key part
| of the community and as such has a role to play in the economy of
| that community. By supporting SMEs the local high-technology
| industry will be encouraged which will benefit everyone."


Becta under fire for procurement framework

,----[ Quote ]
| Nineteen MPs have accused a government agency of restricting the
| procurement of software in schools.


MPs criticise government roadblocks to Open Source adoption in schools

,----[ Quote ]
| The UK Government's own studies have shown savings of up to 60% can be
| made by schools and colleges using Open Source software. Despite this
| clear advantage, some MPs believe the software procurement frameworks
| from Becta and official advice from DfES effectively locks out the us
| of free, Open Source software.


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