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[News] Gates' & Microsoft's Latest OOXML Publicity Stunts Tell Lies

  • Subject: [News] Gates' & Microsoft's Latest OOXML Publicity Stunts Tell Lies
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 02:33:55 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
What is good for Microsoft is also good for the families

,----[ Quote ]
| It seems to be nice to have politicians as Brian Baird ask you staged 
| questions, so you can elaborate on your own business agenda and the public 
| benefit of your commercial activities. Watch Mr. Gates speak on OOXML.  


Next agenda: pretend that Microsoft is good for America. Never mind the
offshoring for cost savings...

Rumble in Kuala Lumpur!

,----[ Quote ]
| I don't know what took place in the meeting, because I wasn't there, but it 
| seems Microsoft certainly pushed hard to justify the case for OOXML and why 
| Malaysia should change its vote from "Abstain" to "Agree". I don't think 
| the 'other side' needed to do much; the evidence is right infront of 
| everyone's eyes. If PIKOM represents the industries view, and Microsoft is 
| just a mere member in its roster, then the consensus is blatantly clear.     



Gates goes to Washington as US OOXML decision nears

,----[ Quote ]
| Gates answered that Microsoft wants to see OOXML become an ISO standard, in 
| part, "so that families and researchers and archivists will be able to access 
| information from the past and use it to interact in the future.  



Microsoft Looks for the Big Guns in OOXML In-Fighting

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates has reportedly been making phone calls to the Secretary of Defense 
| and the Secretary of Commerce to push the American National Standards 
| Institute to ignore the votes of its advisory committees and vote "yes" on 
| ISO standardizing Microsoft's Open Office XML (OOXML) format, the one in 
| competition with the OpenDocument Format (ODF) pushed by IBM and Sun.    
| Gates reportedly picked up the phone when the last INCITS ballot failed by 
| one vote to support Microsoft. 


Microsoft influencing partner NGOs to support OOXML in India

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is encouraging its business partners to promote its Office Open XML 
| specification (OOXML) to the Indian Bureau of Standards (BIS) and Ministry of 
| IT. This move has incensed supporters of the rival OpenDocument Format (ODF) 
| who fear that the "soft" Indian state may not be able to stand up to 
| Microsoft pressure tactics.    


Microsoft India using NGOs to fake support for OOXML


Becoming a better company: Microsoft helps NGOs in India

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, there has to be some trade-offs, because there should never be 
| free lunch, even for the ones who starve: Microsoft, according to this 
| article, has conditioned its help to Indian NGOs to their support of OOXML. 
| What the NGOs had to do was to send letters of support on OOXML to the 
| federal government of India.    


Microsoft "persuades" NGOs to support OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| Our friends at Linux Delhi have put up a copy of the form letters that 
| Microsoft has been sending NGOs on the OOXML issue. Apparently, these NGOs 
| have been sending copies of these letters to the Ministry of IT and Bureau of 
| Indian standards.    


Developers around the world, unite!

,----[ Quote ]
| Monopoly and proprietary software have an advantage in influencing state and 
| governmental institutions because of their large market base and ready 
| capital. Unscrupulous ways of influencing state governments have persisted in 
| India, for example, where executives of proprietary software cajole 
| government heads to promote their brands in lieu of some form of charity 
| given. FLOSS activists must overcome this huge challenge in order to get 
| their philosophy accepted and model implemented for the good of people who 
| are still on the barren side of the digital divide.       


Using NGOs to Push Agendas

,----[ Quote ]
| The extent to which Microsoft can go in its efforts to get OOXML is
| interesting. Microsoft has "persuaded" several non-profit organizations to 
| bombard the Indian IT Secretary and the Additional Director General of the 
| Bureau of Indian Standards with letters supporting its OOXML proposal. A copy 
| of the form letter they have been circulating to NGOs is given below. 
| Somebody should interview these NGOs to see how much they really know about 
| OOXML and open standards.      
| The sequence of events leading up to the spamming of GoI? is:
| Letter from an NGO thanking Microsoft (name changed to protect their
| identity) 


Evidence of Microsoft issuing money to tens of thousands to Indian charities
just days before the vote here:


Guess Who's Getting the Most Work Visas

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft (MSFT) and Intel (INTC) are the only two traditional U.S. tech 
| companies among the top 10. Microsoft received 959 visa petition approvals, 
| or one fifth as many as Infosys, while Intel got 369.  


Study: There Is No Shortage of U.S. Engineers

,----[ Quote ]
| ...a new study from Duke University calls this argument bunk, stating
| that there is no shortage of engineers in the United States, and
| that offshoring is all about cost savings.


Is There a Shortage of U.S. Tech Workers?

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking before a Senate committee earlier this month, Gates said
| that America is facing a critical shortage of tech workers. He
| recommended boosting the number of H-1B visas to allow more foreign
| tech workers into the U.S.
| [...]
| "I think that has created an environment where the population of advanced 
| skill workers has shrunk a lot in the U.S., because we just haven't created 
| a fair system," he says. "Where if you go to other countries, you'll find 
| national policy around broadband deployment, which creates a much more even 
| playing field for people of all income levels to learn by and work by."
| "We did it to ourselves," he says.


Microsoft Sending All XP and Vista Tech Support Calls To India?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is sending ALL of its XP and Vista tech support calls to India
| starting March 29th, according to a call center insider


"Dear Microsoft": An open letter to Microsoft regarding the outsourcing of

,----[ Quote ]
| Don't get it twisted: I don't have a problem with you outsourcing
| jobs to people that will work for next-to-nothing. It's just
| getting a bit out of hand, don't you think? I mean, there's no
| point trying to fool me.



Bill Gates to address Senate panel

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is scheduled to descend on Capitol Hill
| next week to pepper a U.S. Senate committee with his suggestions for
| boosting American competitiveness.


Microsoft India centre working on Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| Designers and engineers at Microsoft R&D centre in India have a new mandate 
| for development of Windows 7, the next generation operating system from 
| Microsoft Corporation, slated for release in 2009-10.  


Is There Really an IT Labor Shortage?

,----[ Quote ]
| Despite what you've been told about the IT skills shortage, there's a 
| multitude of evidence that suggests that line of reasoning is a self-serving 
| myth. Baseline cuts in to the belly of the IT shortage debate.  
| Over the last several years a number of IT industry executives and analysts 
| have consistently promoted the idea that there exists an ever-present 
| shortage of skilled IT workers in the market to fill the industry’s demand. 
| High-profile executives such as Bill Gates of Microsoft and Craig Barrett of  
| Intel have weighed in on their opinions about this shortage of good help in 
| the server room and at the keyboard.    


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