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Re: [News] Hypocritical ISO Screws Up Again with Proprietary Formats

Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 15 Mar 2008 11:56:15 GMT,
>  Jesper Lund Stocholm <jls2008@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
>> news:frgc0e$i0d$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: 
>>> Jesper Lund Stocholm <jls2008@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>> Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
>>>> news:15tma5-ath.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: 
>>>>> Erik's done a good job as usual, of changing the subject.  So I'll
>>>>> ask the question again:
>>>>> Jesper, why are you in a Linux Advocacy group?  
>>>> Because it is a way for me to sharpen my arguments elsewhere?
>>>> Would you rather have me leave - and why? It seems to me that e.g.
>>>> the vast majority of posts from Roy are clearly FOSS/Linux-related -
>>>> but are really not advocating Linux. Would you rather have him leave
>>>> as well? 
>>>> Is the reason I am asked to leave that I support OOXML in ISO?
>> I also hope we can get back to "business" and stop the personal attacks.
> Good luck with that, the ones making the attacks will continue to do so,
> the ones that don't will continue not doing so. Same as it ever was. 

Just as those who post off-topic and anti-charter material, like Timmy,
will continue, and just as those who are trying to push an unwanted,
inappropriate, and unrealisable document through ISO, like Jesper,
by assisting in corrupting its processes, will also continue to do so.
As you say, same as it ever was.

I shall continue to post pro-charter material, and I shall continue to
avoid trying to corrupt any system.  If anyone else wishes to join in,
then they're quite welcome.  If anyone else values their personal and
their professional integrity, they're welcome to join in.  Those who would
sell it (their integrity), are welcome to attempt to break the rules,
be they the rules here, or in Geneva, and hope that they get away with it.
Maybe they will, maybe they will not.  Some, like Bernie Ebbers, and 
Conrad Black will end up in Jail.  Some, like Robert Maxwell, will
chose to throw themselves off their boat when the truth begins to draw
in.  Some will be able to tell their grandchildren how they lied for
money, some will be able to tell of how the stalked and hounded honest
people, people with integritry, like Roy and like PJ (Groklaw).  

Those who continue to abuse the charter and FAQ are not welcome here,
and should leave, taking their material to the appropriate group.  

The rise of a generation of people who don't think any rules apply to
them has been quite fascinating to watch, and it's been clear that this
is the first generation, at least which I've seen, which is more a
danger to itself than anything else is.

Here is a fantastic example:


	To sum up, a 19yo cyclist, wearing no helmet or safety equipment,
	stopped at traffic lights, but then decided to cross the junction
	whilst the lights were at red.	A 25 year old female was driving
	her car at 45mph in the 30mph zone, and was texting on her mobile
	when she crossed the junction, and hit and killed the cyclist.

What's amazing about this story is that neither party showed any respect
for any of the rules, nor of any kind of sensible or safe behaviour.
They represent the pinnacle of the "respek" generation, the generation
who see rules as invading their freedom.  Well, here, they managed to
kill each other.

This incidence is far from isolated, there are numerous similar examples
of this kind of behaviour going on all the time.  We have a constant
stream of stabbings and murders using weapons, very large numbers of
schoolchildren are armed.  Last week, a court heard how a guy was
attacked and seriously, permanently, injured, and his girlfriend was
killed (by kicking), by a group of teenage lads who did it because they
guy was dressed as a "goth".

Respect for the rules of society is a fundamental requirement, and yet,
this generation, the Respek generation, fail to grasp that the rules are
there to *help* them.  You don't text whilst driving because it's
dangerous, you don't jump red lights because it's dangerous.  You
certainly don't take a group of people and start kicking someone to
death because of what they're wearing.

And, you don't break our FAQ or Charter.  And you don't corrupt ISO.

So, Jesper, what's your excuse for assisting in the breaking of rules?

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
| Cola faq:  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/   |
| Cola trolls:  http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/                        |
| My (new) blog:  http://www.thereisnomagic.org                        |

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