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Re: WARNING: Roy Schestowitz is spreading virusses on his website, don't go there!!!!!!!!

On Mar 15, 5:58 am, "Dr. Bill" <bill_dctrREMOVET...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz, a lintard / spammer from cola is spreading virusses.For
> instance, when an "Average Joe" windowsuser, who probably wants more
> information about Linux, visits it's website, Average Joe's computer gets
> infested with a virus / trojan. Great example of Linux advocating in >cola.http://www.angelfire.com/psy/doctorbill/Schestowitz.com.jpg

And what is to stop someone wanting to amount a personal attack on Roy
from setting up such bogus sites.

The bigger question that needs to be asked is why Bill Gates and Steve
Ballmer of Microsoft acquiese to Microsoft shills mounting such nasty
personal attacks of this sort.

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