Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 14:50:40 +0100, Dr. Bill wrote:
>> "Anonymous" <nobody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> schreef in bericht
>> news:e7bcdfe2a95772eb32128d7794aa9d20@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 17:58:24 +0100, "Dr. Bill"
>>> <bill_dctrREMOVETHIS@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Roy Schestowitz, a lintard / spammer from cola is spreading
>>>> virusses.For instance, when an "Average Joe" windowsuser, who
>>>> probably wants more information about Linux, visits it's website,
>>>> Average Joe's computer gets infested with a virus / trojan. Great
>>>> example of Linux advocating in cola.
>>> I've got McAfee as well, latest virus definitions have been
>>> installed. I did not get this message after visiting the site
>>> When do you get it?
>> I have McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.5.0i-[full][multlang] on my
>> vista machine.
>> After infesting probably 10th of thousands xxxxx machines,
>> , is clean for now.
>> Reading Roy's (fuckhead/SPAMMER) replies, he doesn't fully
>> understand that HE is responsible to have this site online, so HE's
>> responsible for the damage done or HE has to build a lawsuit against
>> the hackers, if he isn't the "hacker" himself.
>> Roy is a bit angry for some time now. All his actions against
>> Novell, M$ mean nothing. Both companies flourish, do better than
>> ever before. Roy is losing his battle's and he realizes that fact.
>> B.t.w. I reported him at: / MVP's org / among
>> others. Microsoft said they are building a strong lawsuit against
>> Roy. This guy is suicidal and digging his own grave.
> Sites get hacked all the time and Schestowitz is no exception,
> although his pompous attitude and narcissistic and arrogant
> personality will never let him understand that he is just like the
> rest of the fish out there.
> The truth is, that his various hate sites have attracted a lot of
> attention which is exactly what he wanted.
> His entire COLA crap flooding is nothing more than an excerise in self
> promotion and Internet search engine seeding and he has gotten what he
> asked for.
> Unfortunately the attention is now causing him grief because
> evidently he has pissed off enough people to cause them to attack his
> sites.
> I'm sure the various hate group sites (PETA .ELF etc) get attacked
> all the time.
> Roy just isn't smart enough to secure his site.
> Considering he was unable to set up a simple filter in knode, his
> programming skills are probably not too sharp.
Maybe it's time he started using Windows?
> Maybe he should consider hiring someone to maintain his various sites
> because now he is a lightening rod for attacks.
A rod that's losing weight?