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Re: New York Times: Microsoft Executives admit that Vista sucks

* RonB peremptorily fired off this memo:

> Mark Kent wrote:
>> There will be no Windows 7, because there is no demand for same.  The
>> customers, the public, have no need for it.
> I was talking to one of our help desk guys about Vista as I was leaving work
> tonight. His comment was, "it's too soon for a new OS from Micro$haft," (he
> didn't actually use the term "Micro$haft). I thought this was really an odd
> thing to say. I told him that XP was seven years old. He responded, "Yeah,
> but there's no real need for a new Windows version." You know, he's right.
> What, exactly, does Vista give business users that XP doesn't give them --
> besides the upgrade headache and the need for more expensive hardware? If
> you say "it's prettier," I'd point out that all our XP desktops are set up
> to look like Win2K anyhow. I don't know why they made that decision, but
> they did.

The fundamental problem is this:

   The needs of Microsoft are not consonant with the needs of business.

Business needs stability in their tools.  Microsoft needs to change
them, to generate revenue.

Or so they think -- apparently having an effective monopoly on PCs isn't
enough for them.

We've got to put a lot of money into changing behavior.
   -- Bill Gates

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