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Re: Why was this submission of yours anonymous, Schestowitz?

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 19:26:07 -0700, Tim Smith wrote:

> In article <slrnftbkbi.6v3.jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Handover Phist <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I've submitted articles and posts to Slashdot as both Handover Phist and
>> as AC, so I'm guilty too. The reason I do those things is none of your
>> business. Goddam this place is full of idiots.
> Were any of those anonymous submissions to articles you had written for 
> pay?  Or otherwise to things you had a financial stake in?  Have you 
> repeatedly claimed to never use other than one name online, and 
> repeatedly accused people of nym shifting if they post under a name 
> other than their real name (even if they only use on nym)?
> Going in to a forum anonymously in order to post a promo for your own 
> commercial work is called shilling.

And *that* is the problem.
Schestowitz has done it before.
He was 0wned as techguy on digg.com.
Interesting the ID disappeared within hours of him being outed.
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:

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