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[News] Linux a Lot More Prevalent Than Assumed, Thanks to Portables

  • Subject: [News] Linux a Lot More Prevalent Than Assumed, Thanks to Portables
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 03:43:59 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
All About Linux 2008: 5 more cool devices running Linux that you’re not using
but should

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux, as we’ve been stressing all week, is not just for desktops. Linux 
| works in all sorts of ways on all sorts of devices. Embedded Linux is a 
| popular choice with many manufacturers to keep development costs down on new 
| hardware. It’s also good for portable devices with open architectures because 
| if you know desktop Linux, you know portable Linux.    



Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| A couple of years ago you reiterated that IBM was Microsoft's biggest 
| competitor and you said not just on the business side, but overall. If I ask 
| you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?  
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have 
| to go with that. 


Nortel considers Linux desktops for its staff

,----[ Quote ]
| Nortel CIO Steve Bandrowczak, who joined the Canadian telecoms and network 
| equipment vendor last July, said "more and more CIOs are looking at Linux 
| desktop for reasons of TCO" and argued that the technology "is receiving the 
| same level of attention today as when Linux started on servers."    


French police deal blow to Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| The French paramilitary police force said Wednesday it is ditching Microsoft 
| for the free Linux operating system, becoming one of the biggest 
| administrations in the world to make the break.  


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