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[News] Firefox 3 is Fast, OpenOffice.org Gets More Like Firefox

  • Subject: [News] Firefox 3 is Fast, OpenOffice.org Gets More Like Firefox
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:54:00 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Firefox 3's better performance and memory improvements

,----[ Quote ]
| At the Mozilla "open house", Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla Corporation vice 
| president of engineering said that beta 5 of Firefox 3 will come out next 
| week. It will be the last beta before release candidate 1, which is due for 
| May; Firefox 3 should ship in June or before, if possible.   


It seems like the extensions idea is being increasingly adopted by
OpenOffice.org, which helps avoid Microsoft Office-like bloat (heaps of
unnecessary features nobody uses or needs anyway).

New features in OpenOffice.org 2.4.0 (available now)

,----[ Quote ]
| When updating extensions, OpenOffice.org will launch the web browser to the 
| appropriate web pages for more convenient updating. Extensions can have 
| non-geeky-looking display names, but if the publisher omits the display name, 
| the geeky-looking filename is used instead. Extension publishers can include 
| links to their sites and to release notes.    


ODF guerillas rally for document freedom

,----[ Quote ]
| "But [OOXML] fails the test for an Open Standard in various ways, including 
| an unclear legal status as well as inclusion of and reference to proprietary 
| technologies. It has all signs of a vendor-specific format that only 
| Microsoft will be able to implement completely," the group writes on its 
| site.    



Mozilla speeds up Firefox

,----[ Quote ]
| Firefox 3.0, released this week, is dramatically faster than its predecessor 
| and rivals, benchmark tests claim -- the result of hundreds of performance 
| improvements designed to make the open-source browser the best at running 
| complex Web 2.0 applications, Mozilla's chief developer said this week.   


Firefox 3 Beta 4 is 5x faster than IE7, 3x faster than FF2

,----[ Quote ]
| The almost-but-not-quite-final beta of Firefox 3 (FF3 beta 4) is now 
| available for download. The most noticeable improvement is speed. In some 
| tests, it’s three times faster than Firefox 2 (meaning the test completes in 
| 1/3 the time), and a whopping five times faster than IE 7...   


Mozilla: Firefox 3 beats IE7 and Opera in memory tests

,----[ Quote ]
| Work done to plug Firefox's memory leaks and reduce its RAM profile has paid 
| off, two of Mozilla's engineers said Friday, as they claimed that the newest 
| beta of their open-source browser uses less memory than rivals such as 
| Internet Explorer and Opera.    


Firefox 3 Memory Usage

,----[ Quote ]
| Looking at the graph:
|     * All browsers increase in memory use slightly over time, but the Firefox 
|       3 slope is closer to 0. 
|     * The peak of Firefox 3 is lower than the terminal size of Firefox 2!
|     * The terminal state of Firefox 3 is nearly 140MB smaller than Firefox 2. 
|       60% less memory! 
|     * IE7 doesn’t appear to give any memory back, even after all the windows 
|       are closed! 
|     * Firefox 3 ends up about 400mb smaller than IE7 at the end of the test!


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