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[News] GNU/Linux Competition Wide Open, New Players Arrive

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux Competition Wide Open, New Players Arrive
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:10:51 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linux Distros That Could Take The Lead Soon

,----[ Quote ]
| After more than 15 years of Linux development, the last couple of years have 
| seen an explosive spectrum of progress in conquering the desktop. It is as if 
| the world is suddenly waking up and discovering Linux. Ubuntu has a   
| place in the history books already as the distro that pushed to make this 
| happen, taking the old Linux and wrapping it up into a user-friendly desktop 
| system. On the business front, Novell SuSE and Red Hat have traditionally 
| dominated.   


Teenage Clicks: TEENpup 2008, the kids’ Linux OS with adult undertones

,----[ Quote ]
| And that brings us to TEENpup 2008.
| As a branch of the popular Puppy Linux distribution, it’s targeted squarely 
| at teenage users. 
| TEENpup 2008 contains the largest collection of multimedia and 
| internet-related programs I’ve ever seen on one (half-full) CD (it’s a 499MB 
| download from here).  
| But if you’re over 19, you shouldn’t dismiss TEENpup 2008 as being just for 
| kids, because this small distribution packs some serious punches. 
| It comes as an installable live CD and uses the IceWM desktop environment as 
| its default. 



More distros = more choice

,----[ Quote ]
| With more than 300 active distributions (distros), Linux is on a roll. Linux 
| distros primarily differ in terms of features since they are built on 
| variants of the same kernel (32-bit/64-bit; with various features of the 
| kernel enabled or disabled). “All the Linux distributions come from the same 
| upstream kernel and what distinguishes each distribution is how they provide 
| support, get ISVs to certify the ISV applications on the specific 
| distribution, and how IHVs (Independent Hardware Vendor) get to do the same,” 
| feels Nandu Pradhan, President & Managing Director, Red Hat India.        


Distros Don’t Drive Development

,----[ Quote ]
| Lots of press and people focus on Linux distributions when they check out 
| what happens in Linux land. This and that distro come in new releases and 
| they offer this and that brand new feature. This is also true of the many 
| linux podcasts. They give credit to distros for new things that pop up.   



,----[ Quote ]
| When someone says a recent Linux Distro is 100 times better than another 
| recent Linux distro, I worry a little that schism has lead to computer 
| religion. Taken on its face, examined rationally, you have to ask "how can 
| that be?". They all feed off the same kernel stock, and pull in the same sets 
| of office projects and same GUI projects and so forth.    


Why Having 500+ Distros is a Good Thing

,----[ Quote ]
| Perhaps next time the author might think about what they're
| saying...because limiting the number of distros out there is
| absolutely NOT the way to go to accomplish anything other
| than limiting innovation.


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