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[News] [Rival] Microsoft's Rick Jelliffe Deceives Again, OOXML Boasts Problems as 'Features'

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Rick Jelliffe Deceives Again, OOXML Boasts Problems as 'Features'
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 03:45:35 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
ISO SQL editor Jim Melton's view on OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| You've written 6000 pages of specification largely in secret (and, I 
| understand, recently added over 1500 more pages) and given the world five 
| months to read, absorb, understand, review, critique, and establish informed 
| positions on it. Worse, whether it happened because of unreasonable methods, 
| pure random chance, or genuine and unexpected interest, the fact that the 
| size of the JTC 1 Subcommittee that was to vote on the document suddenly 
| exploded gives the appearance that somebody was trying too hard to stack the 
| deck...almost as though it wasn't really desired to have too much real 
| review.        


Custom XML? What Custom XML?

,----[ Quote ]
| "Custom XML" does not mean much, despite Microsoft ample evangelism of said 
| feature. Technically speaking it has no merit within the enterprise space 
| because you end up sharing corporate data. An interesting fact is 
| that "Custom XML" is actually only implemented in Word 2007. For instance, 
| the ECMA 376 specification provides a data binding for Word 2007 documents, 
| exclusively. Ironically enough, the ability to store an independent XML 
| stream as part of a ZIP package, is just a feature of the ZIP library, not 
| Microsoft's innovation.       


"Consultants: These guys are your best bets as moderators. Get a well-known
consultant on your side early, but don’t let him publish anything blatantly
pro-Microsoft. Then, get him to propose himself to the conference organizers
as a moderator, whenever a panel opportunity comes up. Since he’s well-known,
but apparently independent, he’ll be accepted - one less thing for the
constantly-overworked conference organizer to worry about, right?"

                                                -- Microsoft



Rick Jelliffe questions the "anti-OOXML mob"

,----[ Quote ]
| Dog bites man vs. man bites dog
| Microsoft is used to play hard without any conservatism in terms of 
| reputation. Other companies that were in a weaker market position adapted to 
| a changing market environment and they are responsive to the public. The lack 
| of care for reputation clearly plays in the hands of every campaigner. It's 
| your favourite opponent because they will deliver you the lethal action you 
| need to entertain your community. In a crime fiction about the Mafia no one 
| is shocked by their killings because you expect it as natural. In the case of  
| Microsoft this may result in the attitude of some bloggers to cry louder 
| about foul play. I don't think this is the right approach but the economics 
| of it is well understood.        


Standards Australia denies OOXML bias

,----[ Quote ] 
| Representatives from IBM, Google, Catalyst IT and Waugh Partners expressed 
| their concern the appointment of Topologi director Rick Jelliffe to the 
| delegation was not indicative of the wider industry view on OOXML 
| standardization.   


The OOXML BRM and Australia: What happens next

,----[ Quote ]
| Senior project manager at Standards Australia, Panjan Navaratnam, will head 
| the delegation and shoulder the responsibility for all Australian positions. 
| He will be supported in an advisory role by technical expert Rick Jeliffe.  
| Despite some concerns surrounding the objectivity of Jeliffe, Standards 
| Australia insists that its delegates are not participating as an agent of any 
| personal or organisational viewpoint.   


Standards Australia defends Jelliffe he has never developed Microsoft products

,----[ Quote ]
| Look at this press release from Standards Australia, it is really funny how 
| they carefully weight their words: 
|     The article also incorrectly describes Rick Jelliffe as a ‘Microsoft 
|     developer’. While Mr Jelliffe consults widely to industry and government 
|     including Microsoft, he has never developed Microsoft products.  
| Let's rewrite it like this to see if it changes something:
|     Rick Jelliffe is not a ‘Microsoft developer’ as such. While Mr Jelliffe 
|     is being paid for consultancy work by Microsoft, he is not developing 
|     Microsoft products.  
| Where is the money?


Microsoft developer joins Aussie OOXML standards delegation

,----[ Quote ]
| Last year Jelliffe was implicated in editing OOXML Wikipedia entries at the 
| request of Microsoft. A public explanation is available on Jelliffe's blog. 


How to Get Your Platform Accepted as a Standard - Microsoft Style

,----[ Quote ]
| In the section of an internal manual on effective evangelism, written in 1997 
| by James Plamondon, Technical Evangelist, he lays out an elaborate series of 
| steps to get Microsoft's platforms accepted as de facto standards. Among the 
| steps lists are working behind the scenes with supposedly independent but 
| actually pliable and supportive analysts and consultants.    


EU Initiates Investigation Against Microsoft OOXML Push

,----[ Quote ]
| But with Steve Ballmer taking over as CEO, there was supposed to be a kinder, 
| gentler Microsoft - one that would play nicely with its competitors.  When 
| antitrust regulators in turn challenged this new Microsoft, it issued not 
| challenges to fight to the end to prove that it had done nothing illegal, but 
| statements promising to "cooperate fully."    
| But at the same time, Microsoft is still a tough competitor.  As Microsoft's 
| Director of Corporate Standards Jason Matusow famously warned at his blog 
| last year:  
|     Make no mistake; all parties are looking at the full picture to find 
|     strategies that will result in the outcome they desire. Provided - of 
|     course - that they do so within the context of the rules that apply to 
|     the process, this is exactly what one should expect to happen. It is 
|     going to be a very interesting next few months.    
| Indeed, the months that followed proved to be interesting indeed.  Microsoft 
| said that some of its employees became over zealous, most flagrantly in 
| Sweden, where marketing assists were promised to several business partners as 
| incentives to join the national standards committee and vote for OOXM.   


EU Commission Investigating Microsoft's MSOOXML Push

,----[ Quote ]
| I hope they think to investigate the smear campaigns that seem to always 
| happen to anyone on the other side from Microsoft. What happened to Peter 
| Quinn was by no means unique.  


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