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[News] [Rival] Service Packs for Windows XP and Vista Still Cause Trouble

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Windows XP SP3: Beware the service pack!

,----[ Quote ]
| The first thing that happened after installing Vista SP1 is that it broke my 
| HP printer driver. That wasn't too bad, I fixed that quite easily by 
| uninstalling the driver and doing a clean reinstallation. However, the fact 
| that a service pack upgrade caused an instability in a previously working 
| standard software installation is a concern.    


All the eXPerienced Windows coders seem to have left the building (examples at
the bottom), so they keep hacking on (read: breaking) the codebase of Windows.
Even the chief of Windows left about a month ago.

Good luck to Microsoft. It has just invested another $0.3 billion in
far-eastern developers. After sales of Windows sank 24%, it ought to start
saving, but all savings tend to come at a cost.


Windows XP SP3 still officially AWOL, but can be found on BitTorrent, Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| On Tuesday, in a low-key announcement on a support newsgroup, Microsoft said
|                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| it would delay the release of XP SP3 because of data corruption issues
|                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| between the updated operating system and its retail point-of-sale software.


XP change corrupts data, hamstrings SP3 rollout

,----[ Quote ]
| A Microsoft spokeswoman on Wednesday acknowledged that the same problems
| affected Dynamics RMS users running XP SP3.  


Microsoft admits big delay on Home Server bug fix

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has admitted that it will not deliver a fix to a Windows Home
| Server data corruption bug it first discovered late last year until June at
|                                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| the earliest.  
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^


Stay Away from Home Server Day Care

,----[ Quote ]
| The problem is fundamental in several ways. Data corruption or deletion
| occurs "when certain programs are used to edit or transfer files that are
| stored on a Windows Home Server-based computer that has more than one hard
| drive," according to the Microsoft support document. So, the problems are
| with file copying and data storage—both fundamental features—and occurring in
| the likeliest of scenarios: Multiple hard drives. Surely Microsoft must have
| known that the earliest adopters would be enthusiasts?      
| Nine programs are associated with the data problems, seven of them from
| Microsoft.  


Data Corruption Bug - List of Potential Applications Affected Grows

,----[ Quote ]
| In summary, Microsoft has reproduced the bug successfully with the following
| applications:
|     * Windows Vista Photo Gallery
|     * Windows Live Photo Gallery
|     * Microsoft Office OneNote 2007
|     * Microsoft Office OneNote 2003
|     * Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
|     * Microsoft Money 2007
|     * SyncToy 2.0 Beta
|     * Intuit QuickBooks
|     * uTorrent
| Home Server users have reported the issue occurring with the following list
| of applications:
|     * Photoshop Elements
|     * Zune Software
|     * Apple iTunes
|     * TagScanner
|     * Mozilla Thunderbird
|     * Adobe Lightroom
|     * Intuit QuickenMS Digital Image Library
|     * MP3BookHelper
|     * ACDSee
|     * WinAmp
|     * Windows Media Player 11
|     * Microsoft Office Excel
|     * Visual DataFlex
| So, to put this in perspective, the list of potential applications affected
| is growing.  


News Briefs: 1-17-08

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Home Server Anti-evangelism. Microsoft technical evangelist Volker
| Will is really unhappy about Windows Home Server. I'm a big fan of the
| product marketing, but Will's anti-endorsement has me wondering about getting
| a HP MediaSmart Server as planned.  


Windows Home Server bug corrupts files

,----[ Quote ]
| Given that the point of Windows Home Server is to allow you to store
| your media files, a bug in the storage process that could result in
| corrupted files is bound to get attention.
| Microsoft has issued a support document for the 13 or so (just
| kidding) people using Windows Home Server, the company's latest
| product for those attempting to build the digital home of the future.
| Apparently there's a flaw in the way Windows Home Server works with
| certain Microsoft applications, such as Windows Vista Photo Gallery,
| that could result in corrupted files if you use those applications to
| save files to the server. A list of the specific applications can be
| found in the support document.


A Non-obvious Use for Debbie (a Debian 4.0 Home Server)

,----[ Quote ]
| So far Debbie has worked in all of the relatively simple roles I've put her
| to. AVI, MOV and JPG files all work well on either the Linux or Windows
| clients when served by Debbie. PDFs work in either Linux or Windows. They
| even work when accessed by browser plug-ins, either FireFox 2 or IE6 or 7.
| Copying files to and from Debbie by the kids has been easy to implement.    


Veteran Windows architect resigns from Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| On the heels of a week of news of a number of Microsoft executive departures 
| and reshufflings, another has come to light. Rob Short, Corporate Vice 
| President for Windows Core, has resigned from the company.  


Vista marketing chief to bid Microsoft adieu

,----[ Quote ]
| Michael Sievert, Corporate Vice President for Windows Product Marketing, is 
| moving on, according to multiple sources of mine. 
| It’s hard to make the case that Sievert, who was responsible for the 
| worldwide introduction of Windows Vista, isn’t being pushed for the 
| less-than-enthusiastic public perception of Microsoft’s latest version of 
| Windows. Even though Microsoft has moved 100-million-plus copies of Vista, 
| many consumers and businesses still consider the new release buggy, sluggish 
| and incompatible with existing software and drivers.     


Microsoft loses top executive in China

,----[ Quote ]
| "Li Gong is currently exploring other career opportunities," Microsoft said 
| in a statement to News.com. 
| [...]
| In a September 2005 Business Week interview, Ballmer touted Gong as
| one of several key hires that Microsoft had made.
| Most recently, Gong has served as managing director of Windows LiveC
| hina and as Vice President of Microsoft China R&D Group.
| Gong's name came up in the case over Kai-Fu Lee, the top Microsoft
| executive whose hiring by Google sparked a multistate legal battle. 


Windows exec Poole leaving Microsoft (Update)

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft senior vice president Will Poole, a longtime Windows executive, is 
| retiring from the company, according to a report by ZDNet blogger Mary Jo 
| Foley this afternoon. No confirmation from Microsoft yet.  
| Poole would be the latest executive to leave the company since Windows 
| Vista's launch. Others include Rob Short and Michael Sievert.  


Microsoft's Vista Blogger Quits As Redmond Exodus Builds

,----[ Quote ]
| White did not provide a reason for his decision. To be sure, his position 
| could not have been an easy one. White's posts often elicited hundreds of 
| responses from Vista users complaining about the operating system's numerous 
| glitches and quirks.   
| His departure also raises questions about Microsoft's ability to retain 
| talent in the Web 2.0 world.  
| [...]
| Earlier this year, Microsoft Business Division president Jeff Raikes said he 
| would retire in September, to be replaced by former Juniper Networks chief 
| operating officer Stephen Elop.  
| Microsoft's merger and acquisitions chief Bruce Jaffe stepped down at the end 
| of February. 
| To boot, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates will give up full-time duties at the 
| company in July. 
| The departures highlight one of Microsoft's biggest challenges as a mature 
| company: attracting and retaining Silicon Valley's top talent. In its early 
| days, Microsoft could entice recruits with an entrepreneurial environment and 
| stock options that eventually turned secretaries into millionaires.    


MS Insider: The Office Crew Isn't Smart Enough to Supplant Real Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| "With Alchin retiring, MarkL and MarkZ, two of the most talented
| architects in MS already having left, the picture gets really
| ugly for the Windows division," my friend claimed, and the BV's
| core team members, Ian McDonald, Jack Mayo, Todd Wanke, Clyde
| Rodriguez and others are starting to connect the dots.
| [...]
| He concluded ominously. "A trainwreck of biblical proportions looms.
| Pick a good seat on the sidelines, trainwrecks this large take
| awhile to complete. Vista may be the last MS OS for some time to
| come, especially if Cutler decides to play hardball."


Microsoft admits Vista screwed - report 

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista SP1 is code named "Fiji", presumably after a pretty looking
| island which is paralysed by coups.
| In a statement regarding the service pack Microsoft admits that
| Vista has "high impact" problems.


More than half of Microsoft Vista needs re-writing 

,----[ Quote ]
| "Up to 60% of the code in the new consumer version of Microsoft new Vista
| operating system is set to be rewritten..."

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