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Re: Microsoft's Yahoo foray signals its shaky grip on the desktop

____/ Jerry McBride on Tuesday 06 May 2008 23:59 : \____

> nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> <Quote>
>> WHO'S THE bigger loser from Microsoft's withdrawn bid for Yahoo?
>> Investors certainly punished the Internet company on Monday for
>> letting the prospective deal go away, and they enthusiastically
>> cheered Microsoft's abandonment of a $42 billion bid. But a jog
>> through the numbers, starting from before the software giant showed
>> its hand, suggests that it's actually Microsoft that has emerged most
>> damaged from the affair.
>> </Quote>
>> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121002286060868719.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
> Is there something wrong with this picture? How do you justify loosing so
> much money on a "non-deal" ?? Quite honestly, Balmer (a.k.a. BLAMER) should
> loose his job over this one... It's nothing like tossing a chair around
> during one of his well known temper tantrums... he wasted BILLIONS... in a
> bad deal, gone bad...
> Simply amazing... only Microsoft...

I was not the only bad deal. It's a serial kil...errr... acquisitive thing.
Windows and Office lose momentum (sinking sales) and both market cap and cash
balance decline (the money is being pushed into the stock, MSFT, as /real/
investors, including Bill Gates, depart).

                ~~ Best of wishes

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