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[News] Company Targets Free Software Development in South America

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Near-shoring open-source development to Latin America with North-by-South

,----[ Quote ]
| Tristan Rhodes from the Ubuntu community sent me a link to a cool company 
| called North-by-South. North-by-South is essentially an open-source software 
| off-shoring firm with a twist: Instead of outsourcing to India or Eastern 
| Europe (with the time zone problems that can arise), North-by-South instead 
| works with talented open-source engineers in Latin America...    


Most software nowadays is custom-made. It's the vast source of business and
Free software is perfect for this. It's a necessity.

Last week:

Ecuador: A Weekend of Free Software Throughout the Country

,----[ Quote ]
| In Ecuador, this event gathered a lot of attention, especially since the 
| President of the Republic, Rafael Correa, by means of decree No. 1014 of 
| April 10, 2008, ruled that the computers in the public administration should 
| utilize free software. This decree fulfills a promise made in a speech in 
| 2007 that would migrate all of the country's computers to these free systems.    


Microsoft gouging Brazilians for 20 percent of income

,----[ Quote ]
| Ever wonder why Brazil and other BRIC countries are so hot on open source, 
| including Linux? Gustavo Duarte gives several reasons, not the least of which 
| is the punitive pricing that Microsoft inflicts on these developing markets.  
| In the case of Brazil, Microsoft pillages businesses to the tune of 20.1 
| percent and consumers at a 7.8 percent clip. Some people pay tithing to their 
| church; Brazilians are asked to pay a tithe to Microsoft. Perhaps this is 
| indicative of Microsoft's self-important belief?   


Peru: Software Libre

,----[ Quote ]
| The software industry's pressure on the Government to crack down on piracy, 
| unlike that from the movie industry, is likely to cause them far deeper 
| losses as customers are forced to discover free alternatives.  
| News of universities in Peru taking advantage of these free, “open source” 
| alternatives might mean this change is already on the way, potentially saving 
| the Peruvian economy hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Thousands of 
| graduates highly-trained in open source technologies might lead to Peru's 
| institutions rejecting hard-sold and expensive lock-in agreements with 
| companies such as Microsoft when the same software, often of equal or greater 
| quality, is available for free.      
| El Comercio reports that universities in Abancay, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cerro 
| de Pasco, Chiclayo, Huancayo, Lima, Piura, Puno, Tacna and Trujillo, are now 
| giving classes and workshops in open source alternatives.  



South America warms to Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| In South American countries, as in most other areas of the world, the 
| government is by far the biggest purchaser of software. Thus the Open Source 
| trend that is now established in the government sector across the continent 
| will doubtless spur Open Source adoption in the private sector.   
| There are a variety of motives for Open Source adoption in play in there, 
| from the reduction in software costs to the desire to provide a "leg-up" to 
| the local software industry. However, the motivation of the Peruvian 
| government is unique in that the Peruvian supporters of the bill see "Open 
| Source" as a citizen's right. The ownership and responsibility for the use of 
| data and software have become a political issue in Peru.     
| This is an idea that is unlikely to go away.


South American Software Development

,----[ Quote ]
| Who ultimately forced Sun to open-source Java? Was it external pressure, 
| either from Java developers or the open-source community? Or was it internal, 
| perhaps a mandate from CEO Jonathan Schwartz?  
| Answer: None of the above. According to Jonathan himself, it was Brazil.



Success for free software in Latin America!

,----[ Quote ]
| And today was the day that the president elect pronounced himself in
| favor of migrating to free software!
| [...]
| Ecuador is a small country, with a population hovering around 13
| million inhabitants. About 80% of the population is poor. A good
| half of the entire population barely has resources to eat.
| [...]
| Evidently, monopoly rents (licenses) in proprietary software are
| simply incompatible with our economy. If we want to take advantage
| of computers, our only options are the GNU and Linux systems ands
| oftware out there. Otherwise, we'll be attempting to out-compete
| the competition, using their ground rules. Ha!


Ecuador migrates to Free Software and Open Standards

,----[ Quote ]
| On April 10, 2008, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa Delgado signed a decree 
| ordering that the software used by public administrations in the country be 
| free software (and implicitly based on open standards). Fuller story in 
| Spanish...   


Venezuela Launches Sale of "Bolivarian" Computers

,----[ Quote ]
| The new computers will run the open-source Linux operating system 
| and will first be used inside the government "missions" and state 
| companies and institutions but eventually are expected to be sold 
| across Venezuela and Latin America.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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