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[News] Yahoo Negotiates with Google and AOL, Microsoft Might Find Other Ways to Enter Debt

  • Subject: [News] Yahoo Negotiates with Google and AOL, Microsoft Might Find Other Ways to Enter Debt
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 05 May 2008 07:24:17 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Hash: SHA1

Yahoo's AOL, Google deals still in the works

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft may no longer be breathing down its neck, but Yahoo is still 
| working on major deals with Google and Time Warner's AOL that could 
| significantly alter the Internet pioneer.  


Microsoft may seek other deal to fight Google

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp could seek a variety of deals after walking away from Yahoo 
| Inc, but few would be comprehensive enough to let it challenge Google Inc's 
| domination of online advertising.  


Microsoft is like a suppressive totalitarian regime. It was willing to destroy
one company merely to use it as a tool to destroy another.  No wonder the EU
considers embargoing Microsoft (decision due by the beginning of June). Links
at the bottom.

Yahoo! Issues Statement in Response to Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Jerry Yang, co-founder and chief executive officer, Yahoo! Inc. added, "I am 
| incredibly proud of the way our team has come together over the last three 
| months. This process has underscored our unique and valuable strategic 
| position. With the distraction of Microsoft's unsolicited proposal now behind 
| us, we will be able to focus all of our energies on executing the most 
| important transition in our history so that we can maximize our potential to 
| the benefit of our shareholders, employees, partners and users."      


Microhoo dead? Microsoft and Yahoo part ways – for now

,----[ Quote ]
| Yahoo has reportedly had an exodus of executives over the past few months, 
| and you have to wonder if some of Yahoo’s engineers are also considering 
| their options.  


Microsoft plus Yahoo: Is it really over?

,----[ Quote ]
| With the Microsoft Corp. acquisition offer that buoyed its stock now a thing 
| of the past, and a more intimate relationship with dominant rival Google Inc. 
| on the horizon, Yahoo Inc. may face an uncertain future.  



EU: Europarlement testing Ubuntu, OpenOffice and Firefox

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Parliament's IT department is testing the use of GNU/Linux 
| distribution Ubuntu, OpenOffice, Firefox and other Open Source applications, 
| the British MEP James Nicholson explained last week in a letter to Italian 
| MEP Marco Cappato.   


MEPs Question Microsoft's Eligibility for Gov't Projects

,----[ Quote ]
| The Commission, which has not responded yet, is allowed a few weeks to reply.


Is Microsoft Now Banned from EU Contracts?


Euro MP thinks Microsoft should be banned from government contracts


Green MEP says Microsoft should be excluded from EU contract awarding procedure


EC probes OOXML standards-setting process

,----[ Quote ]
| A spokesman for the European Commissioner for Competition, Neelie Kroes, told 
| The Register that regulators were continuing to scrutinise interoperability 
| issues related to Microsoft’s products following complaints from the 
| Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS) group.   
| As part of that process, the EC formally contacted a number of national 
| standards bodies, including the Norwegian Standards Institute (NSI), 
| requesting more details about possible irregularities in the OOXML 
| standardisation process.   
| [...]
| “It must be stressed that it is not the Commission's intention to influence 
| the outcome of this process, but the Commission considers it essential to 
| ensure that European competition law is not violated in the course of the 
| standard setting process,” he said in an email to El Reg.   
| In January the EC began formal anti-trust probes against Microsoft in two 
| cases where it was alleged that the multinational firm had abused its strong 
| market position. As part of the investigation into the first case, the 
| Commission said that it would scrutinise OOXML on the grounds that the 
| specification doesn't work with those of competitors.    



EU Commission Investigating Microsoft's MSOOXML Push

,----[ Quote ]
| I hope they think to investigate the smear campaigns that seem to always 
| happen to anyone on the other side from Microsoft. What happened to Peter 
| Quinn was by no means unique.  

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