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Re: [News] Op-Ed: Fall of Yahoo Bid a Disaster to Microsoft's Future

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
Microsoft's Yahoo Pratfall

,----[ Quote ]
| In the business textbooks of 2025, Microsoft’s slow collapse will be | attributed to many things. The failure of Windows Vista to hold the desktop | market; Microsoft’s inability to successfully move from a PC product based | company to an Internet service based enterprise; and Ballmer’s inability to | pull off the Yahoo buyout. | | Now, buying Yahoo wasn’t going to guarantee Microsoft transition from a 20th | century product-oriented company to a 21st century SAAS (Software as a | Service) business, but it was a better shot than the Microsoft continuing to | push its confusing mish-mash of Windows Live programs. | | As it is, Microsoft’s brand is losing value; Google is beating the pants off | the company on the Internet; and Linux and Apple are making gains on the | desktop. Adding insult to injury, open-source programs like Firefox are | gaining marketshare at the expense of Microsoft’s own products. `----


Is Live Mesh Dead Before Arrival?

,----[ Quote ]
| As former Microsoftie Joel Spolsky opined, Live Mesh is not the first time | Microsoft has tried a master plan for connecting everything via the Internet. | It's not clear how this effort will end any better for Microsoft than the | last one. | | The first attempt that Microsoft made at everything-to-everything | connectivity was about eight years ago, and was code-named HailStorm. | Microsoft's master plan didn't go quite the way they hoped, and HailStorm was | never released. One of the remnants of that effort is Passport, now renamed | and known as Windows Live ID. But in the meantime, people have figured out | how to craft their own connectivity using everything from RSS feeds to | Twitter. `----


In my humble opinion, Microsoft hasn't backed off. It'll use the investors to
fight Yahoo, by proxy. It's just drama that they craved.


Microsoft's Last Big Beat: Internet Domination or Death

,----[ Quote ]
| What can $44.6B USD mean? Well, for Microsoft (MSFT) it may mean the cost of | survival. `----


Microsoft says to borrow money for Yahoo deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp said on Monday it may borrow money for the first time in its | history to fund a portion of its $44.6 billion unsolicited offer for Yahoo | Inc. `----


Why Microsoft Should Fret

,----[ Quote ]
| But what if at stake in the battle isn't just Microsoft's position in selling | ads, but the very survival of its core software business? Microsoft would | never admit that so much is on the line. `----


Microsoft's IBM Moment

,----[ Quote ]
| News Commentary: Microsoft can only lose if it enters into a proxy fight | against Yahoo. | | Supposedly, Microsoft is ready to make a hardball maneuver to replace Yahoo's | board of directors. A proxy fight would be a highly aggressive move from a | company that for years sought to remake its tarnished public image. Antitrust | cases on two continents portrayed Microsoft as a bully, which is a label a | Yahoo hostile takeover may just revive. `----



Will Microsoft Survive the Next 10 Years?

,----[ Quote ]
| I am not really an expert in this but when I read all the negative
| headlines and articles I ask myself if Microsoft really will survive
| the next 10 years.
| | [...] | | I am pretty sure that the Open Source Community, the new Ubuntu,
| Google and of course Apple are those companies that are ready for
| our century and they will get more and more people that know what
| they really want.


P. Graham: Microsoft is Dead

,----[ Quote ]
| A few days ago I suddenly realized Microsoft was dead. I was talking
| to a young startup founder about how Google was different from Yahoo.
| I said that Yahoo had been warped from the start by their fear of
| Microsoft. That was why they'd positioned themselves as a "media
| company" instead of a technology company. Then I looked at his face
| and realized he didn't understand. It was as if I'd told him how much
| girls liked Barry Manilow in the mid 80s. Barry who?
| | Microsoft? He didn't say anything, but I could tell he didn't quite
| believe anyone would be frightened of them.


More and more Rome-like every day.

MS was powerful -- then it burned.

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