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Re: Scoble dumps MS Office

On Thu, 01 May 2008 01:25:10 -0700, Tim Smith wrote:

> In article <4169547.J6Yf3cqU3E@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> be noticed). Didn't the sales of Office sink along with Windows in that last
>> report? I can't recall for sure.
> Then why don't you check?  Or, like proofreading, is even the simplest 
> checking of facts before speaking something that you refuse to do?

Because Roy Schestowitz has already admitted he doesn't have the time to
proof read his articles.

He has also admitted, on digg, that he has no time for discussion.

With Roy Schestowitz it's quantity not quality.
He has to keep the output high so his masters are kept happy and his wallet
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
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