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[News] KDE Development Leaders Set Rhythm, Show Project's Impact

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the hands of many

,----[ Quote ]
| The person writing, Robert, bought his daughter a computer for her 14th 
| birthday. He got what they could afford, and due to financial constraints 
| that meant not much. Price often isn't the compelling selling feature for 
| business users in the "first" world (gah, I hate that term), but for many 
| others it is. In this case, it made all the difference. The best part is that 
| this family is not getting cheated because they don't happen to have endless 
| amounts of disposable income: they get to participate on their terms without 
| limitation.       


[KDE] Are we breathing in the same rhythm?

,----[ Quote ]
| Tom and Aaron  discuss timing and release schedules, and development cycles. 
| Aaron talks about trunk/ and freezes therein should follow a natural 
| lifecycle. This assumes that the whole KDE community lives and breathes as 
| one individual, synchronised and all. So a development-and-release-cycle 
| forces all developers into one rhythm. Everyone has to follow this one 
| release rhythm. It's a good idea, but I think we should also make the lives 
| of those easier that choose another breathing ryhthm. There are a couple of 
| things to consider here.        



Deploying KDE to 52 million young people

,----[ Quote ]
| By the end of this year 29,000 labs serving some 32,000,000 students will be 
| fully deployed and in active use. 
| By the end of next year (2009) those numbers will have swelled to 53,000 labs 
| serving some 52,000,000 students. 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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