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[News] German Federal Office for Information Security Dumps Microsoft for GNU/Linux, ODF

  • Subject: [News] German Federal Office for Information Security Dumps Microsoft for GNU/Linux, ODF
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 02:23:55 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Hash: SHA1

German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) Deploys StarOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| According to this German article, the German Federal Office for Information 
| Security (BSI) is switching to StarOffice for all 500 desktop PCs. 90% of the 
| BSI employees have already gone through the migration. Another great success 
| story for ODF!   


There are many more such migrations around the world, but this one too is
described in German. The blog provides only the gist of it.

No wonder sales of Microsoft Office have declined.


DE: One fifth of Freiburg city council migrated to OpenOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| In the German city of Freiburg, four hundred  of the two thousand PCs used by
| the city council are now running OpenOffice.
| The migration to the Open Source suite of office applications is a
| intermediate goal, saving the city up to half a million euro in licence
| costs. The city's final aim is to switch to an Open Source desktop.
| The council began its office application migration last July, when it decided
| to use the ISO-approved Open Document Format (ODF) as a document standard.


Ubuntu landed on Berlin metro system

,----[ Quote ]
| The guys from “Berliner Fenster”, a company responsible for the content of
| the television system installed inside underground vehicles (more than 3.700
| displays) were so kind (thank you!) providing us with a spot for our release
| party this Saturday for free. So just on time with the release starting from
| today there are small spots viewable by an audience of about 1.5 million
| people per day according to their web site.


EU: Europarlement testing Ubuntu, OpenOffice and Firefox

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Parliament's IT department is testing the use of GNU/Linux
| distribution Ubuntu, OpenOffice, Firefox and other Open Source applications,
| the British MEP James Nicholson explained last week in a letter to Italian
| MEP Marco Cappato.  


Is Microsoft Now Banned from EU Contracts?


German ERP software vendor adds OpenOffice.org support


German portfolio analysis software supports OpenOffice.org


DE: German Foreign Ministry will not use ISO OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| In the weeks prior to the second round of votes last September,
| irregularities were reported in the standard committees in many participating
| countries. These claims  continued until after the final discussion, in
| February and March this year.
| The European Commission has started an investigation into the allegations.
| The Commission sent a letter to all EU national standards committees in
| Europe, requesting information about the process. Sources at the Commission
| declined to comment, as the investigation is on-going and no official
| position has yet been adopted.


199 Euro laptop with OpenOffice.org pre-installed

,----[ Quote ]
| I just found about this offer in Germany. A vendor called "one" is selling a
| low-cost laptop with Linux and OpenOffice.org pre-installed for 199 Euro.
| This special offer lasts until May 12th according to the website. Cool to see
| more and more hardware vendors bundle OpenOffice.org!


City of Munich and German Federal Foreign Office start collaboration

,----[ Quote
| According to this German article, the City of Munich and the German Federal
| Foreign Office have started to collaborate on the implementation of their
| open source and open standards strategies. I would not be surprised if other
| organizations decided to join the "alliance" as well. Anyway, very cool to
| see government organizations collaborate regarding the usage of open source
| and open standards.


The German Plan for Open Standards

,----[ Quote ]
| The SAGA 4.0 document itself (PDF, 2.4 MB) states on page 114 that the Open
| Document Format (ODF) version 1.0 is a "Recommended" standard...
| [...]
| And it continues with stating PDF 1.4 as a mandatory standard (PDF 1.5 is a
| recommended standard, PDF 1.6 is a standard under observation).
| What are "Recommended" standards, "Mandatory" standards and standards "Under
| Observation"? Page 20 and page 21 explain the designations in full...


Germany upgrades ODF to "recommended"

,----[ Quote ]
| The new version 4.0 of the document "Standards and Architectures for
| eGovernment Applications" (SAGA) by the German Ministry of the Interior now
| recommends ODF for text documents.


German county adopts OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| According to this German article, the German county "Friesland" is adoption
| open source including OpenOffice.org. OpenOffice.org will be installed on the
| majority of the client systems.


German penal institutions looking into OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| It looks like that OpenOffice.org is also being used in areas where many of
| us don't expect it, or wouldn't research for. I have reports that some German
| penal institutions are looking into OpenOffice.org for their daily office
| work.  


[German] Federal Employment Office switches to Linux


Mayor of Munich opposes OOXML being made a Standard (German)

,----[ Quote ]
| Munich's mayor Christian Ude says in a letter to the Federal Minister for
| Economics and Technology, Michael Glos, he thinks there should be a
| clear "no" to the standardization of OOXML. The German Institute for
| Standardization (DIN) is currently evaluating how to vote in the ISO
| standardisation procedure. All the city needs, Ude indicates, is OpenDocument
| Format (ODF), already an ISO standard, and he believes competition is
| weakened by a competiting standards....      

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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