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Re: [News] Five New Distributions: Musix, FreeNAS, VMKnoppix, Big Linux, Ultimate

Micoshaft fraudulent asstroturfer Moshe, Goldfarb. wrote on behalf of Half
Wits from Micoshaft Corporation:

> On Sun, 25 May 2008 07:06:30 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Has Linux hit 1000 different distributions yet?
> Does anyone care?
> Evidently not seeing as Linux still sits at 0.6 percent of desktop market
> share.

Linux advocasy is not limited to just desktop market share.
3 million+ embedded Linux gadgets are sold per day. And Linux desktops have
improved to one million+ Desktops installed per week. The 0.6 percent you
cite is not being qualified as web log surveys which has no relevance to
Linux market share.

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