"Tattoo Vampire" <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> stated in post
10aynhnq1qh3w.dlg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on 11/29/08 2:38 PM:
> Snit wrote:
>> He is clearly upset
> LOL!
> You're the one moaning and crying, Splat.
I am pointing out facts... and unlike you I am not snipping and running nor
making up stories about people's personal or professional lives.
You are humiliating yourself with such nonsense as:
Now explain why Roy's posts get your panties in so big of a
wad. Seriously. Why do they bother you so? You know what a
killfile is, right? Use it and quit bitching.
Why do you spend so much time researching what he's posted
and when, Michael? Are things slow in the computer business?
Not in the least. Now shut up and find something else to lie
and whine about. Something ORIGINAL, by the way; stop
recycling the same old topics.
Utter and complete off-topic gibberish from you.
And, yes, I realize that is the *best* you can do. You simply cannot rise
above such BS.
"If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France