On Nov 25, 11:13 am, chrisv <chr...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sandeep Kumar wrote:
> >Using
> >firefox as an example of oss programming being successful is flawed because
> >the vast majority are using it as a Windows browser not a Linux version.
> No, your brain is flawed. Idiot.
Also, one has to take into account that by some statistics
the number of users using Firefox might be as high as 30%,
and Microsoft recommended using Firefox at one point.
Assuming the 30% is accurate, to ignore those customers
borders on idiocy, if one is a Web content developer.
This is not to say that all OSS programming is successful,
or that all OSS programming should emulate Firefox (which
is a very large, complex code package). Nor is it clear to
me whether Firefox/Windows has capabilities such as ActiveX
which would not be available on Firefox/non-Windows.
(Personally, I hope not; that opens up a few too many
security holes, as far as I can tell.)