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Re: [News] Sun is Losing to GNU/Linux on the Top-tier Computers

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Sun measures HPC backorders in petaflops
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The lateness of the UltraSparc-III systems, the disappointing
> | performance of its "Wildfire" interconnect, and the rapid adoption of
> | commodity clusters running Linux took some of the wind out of Sun's HPC
> | business, which Fowler estimates (very roughly) to be around $1bn today.
> | 
> | [...]
> | 
> | With its substantial investment in hardware engineering for InfiniBand
> | switches, blade servers, dense storage arrays, and sophisticated
> | software, such as ZFS and the Lustre file system for HPC workloads, and
> | its embracing of Linux, Sun is hoping it can catch hold of some of the
> | growth in the HPC market, which is outpacing the overall server market
> | and is, in some ways, immune to the current downturn because funding for
> | HPC systems is already in place and budgeted.
> `----
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/11/18/sun_sc08_preview/

I don't understand why Sun don't bring out their own Linux.
As a services company, they would enjoy maximum benefits
and bring the same benefits to a whole bunch of existing customers.

I think the management there is a bit weak and need replacements.

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