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Re: Impressive. 38 Articles to the group each one 4 minutes apart.

After takin' a swig o' grog, Ezekiel belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> "Chris Ahlstrom" <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:BteVk.68101$rD2.60005@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Ezekiel belched out
>>  this bit o' wisdom:
>>> You've definitely hit the bulls-eye. People who defend Roy seem to be
>>> willing overlook the key points (facts) that you bring up.
>>> Roy posts alot, so he is an easy target.
>>> Roy posts alot of errors, so he is an easy target.
>>> Roy repeats the posts with errors, so he is an easy target.
>>> Roy posts alot about his paranoid fantasies, so he is an easy target.
>>> Although some posters may actually be anti-Linux, I really can't say for
>>> sure, most are anti-stupidity and anti-hypocrisy which Roy seems to be 
>>> full
>>> of and eager to display.
>> Pretty funny.  Zeke's actually described some of the worst
>> trolls here, not Roy.
> Are you seriously saying that *none* of these apply to Schestowitz? What... 
> you think he doesn't post a lot, and he doesn't repeat posts that are known 
> to be innacurate and that he isn't paranoid about how MS 'pays people to 
> discredit him.'

En toto, the above is not very true of Roy, and is more true of the trolls.

For example, DFS posts a lot, his posts are full of errors (usually errors
of omission), and his paranoid fantasies are rife.

By contrast, Roy really does not post a lot of errors.  The articles he
links to may have errors, sure.  But even those are a small proportion.

> I /strongly/ agree with these points. Just 'posting' isn't a problem. People 
> like you, Ghost and many others 'post' but don't get the abuse that 
> Schestowitz gets.

Bullshit.  Ever read Hadron's ongoing "Liarnut" postings, claiming things
that never happened in quite the way he wants you to believe?

People posting my personal information.

People saying they're going to ram their "rod" up my "poop chute".  (That
lowness hasn't happened in awhile, at least.)

> Most likely because you don't fit the description above. 
> IMO what's happening here is by doing this stuff Schestowitz puts a big 
> target on his back and then whines when people take shots at it.

Oh, I agree to some extent.  But Roy's a saint by comparison.

There's a whole WORLD in a mud puddle!
		-- Doug Clifford

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