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Re: Impressive. 38 Articles to the group each one 4 minutes apart.

Chris Ahlstrom <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> After takin' a swig o' grog, Ezekiel belched out
>   this bit o' wisdom:
>> "Chris Ahlstrom" <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
>> news:oyXUk.71008$vX2.57116@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Ezekiel belched out
>>>  this bit o' wisdom:
>>>> "Chris Ahlstrom" <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>> news:pfTUk.70922$vX2.21258@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Bitching about Roy is part of their anti-Linux-advocacy agenda.  The 
>>>>> more
>>>>> you post about Linux (or against Microsoft), the louder the bitching
>>>>> becomes.
>>>> Interesting way to look at it. What I see is Schestowitz using automated
>>>> scripts that post messages exactly 2-minutes apart. Many of these posts
>>>> have links back to his for-profit web sites. What's the difference 
>>>> between
>>>> this and the spammer trying to sell viagra? Oh yes... some of Roys posts
>>>> are "wrapped" in some 1996 blog entry about DR-DOS.
>>> You keep telling yourself that, Zeke.
>> And you keep telling yourself that Roy doesn't automate his posts and that 
>> he does everything manually as he claims. And that he's only doing this in 
>> order to benefit Linux and not himself. If you actually believe this then it 
>> must be a very exciting time of year for ya... only 35 more days until Santa 
>> Claus.
> He doesn't automate it, Zeke.  Typing mistakes in the posts are too common
> for that.  At best, he saves them in files and then loads the files.
> Start talking more sensibly.

<flips Liarmutt another doggy drop>

Look Liarnut, how does he collate the info and assemble it?
Automation. He might then add the odd text which is WHY he makes so many
mistakes. He glances at the harvested "advocacy" and then throws in his
tuppence worth without reading the material properly. Do take you nose
out of Roy's crevice for long enough to clear your head and think
clearly for a change.

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