On Thu, 06 Nov 2008 07:25:13 +0000, Gregory Shearman wrote:
> On 2008-11-05, Kelsey Bjarnason <kelseyb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> [snips]
>> On Fri, 31 Oct 2008 22:14:18 +0000, Gregory Shearman wrote:
>>> Yeah, I've had an LG DVD recorder for years. It has a HDD in it and it
>>> runs linux. Never had to get it repaired and it just works!
>> Mine is, I suspect, getting a little well-used, as it will occasionally
>> now claim that a perfectly good disc is unreadable. Still, it plays
>> most without issue and I use it mostly for the PVR side anyhow, storing
>> to the HD. Works like a charm - apart from honoring record-blocking
>> signals. (Grumble, spit).
> I've never had mine refuse to record.
> Sometimes it takes longer to start. I suspect an fsck of the HDD,
> y'know... every 30 mounts or so....
Never had a problem with the HD side, just a refusal to play some known
good DVDs. Sometimes a power cycle fixes it; I suspect the DVD burner in
it is getting dodgy and as a result sometimes the hardware itself freezes.
As to record blocking, it's a relatively rare thing for the most part.
I've had one or two movies refuse to record but that's about it.
Where I did run into problems was with, believe it or not, ads.
I used to use this box to record a particular show I like. No problem,
it faithfully recorded it every day for months. One day it suddenly
stopped doing so. It would record part of the show, get into one of the
commercial breaks and *zot*, recording would cease.
It started happening _every_ time. I finally happened to be home at the
right time to watch the show, so I watched it through the PVR, while it
was recording. Sure enough, an ad came on - a trailer for the Sopranos
movie, IIRC - which included record-blocking signals. The recording
An ad. Yeesh. Really, what am I going to do, record it and send it to a
million people? Suppose I do, what's the result - a million more people
have seen the ad? Where's the downside? The logic of this one boggles
the mind.