After takin' a swig o' grog, High Plains Thumper belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> Hadron wrote:
>> Most people dont want to have to do that. Installing the OS is
>> a job for jobsworth tape monkeys. Most people want the PC
>> ready out of the box for them to install and configure their
>> application SW which offers them their market advantage when
>> used properly.
Indeed, Hadron is correct.
> PC's configured with Linux:
> [quote]
> 2. Sylvania G Netbook - VIA C7-M ULV Processor 1.2GHz, 802.11b/g
> Wireless, 1GB DDR2, 30GB HDD, 7" WVGA, Integrated Webcam, Linux
> Based gOS Operating System
> Item #: D516-7001
> Integrated Webcam, Linux Based gOS Operating System
> At just under two pounds, the netbook by Sylvania brings you
> ultra light portability and wireless Internet connectivity built
> right in.
> $299.96
> [/quote]
Interesting model, more RAM and disk space than the low-end
Eeee PC available at your local Target store.
>> PCs are sold without OSen. All the time. Try looking. But its
>> all about choice. And most people just want a PC with Windows.
>> Sad, but true.
> Not true. See above listing.
Indeed, when consumers are offered a /real/ choice, a surprising number
choose the Linux option.
>> You're a pretentious idiot.
> Then ends with insult. Rather sad this troll cannot respect the
> individual and cannot sufficiently discuss the merits or demerits
> of a poster's arguments.
Sad, but true/
Where's Hadron II?/
Not that I have anything much against redundancy. But I said that already.
-- Larry Wall in <199702271735.JAA04048@xxxxxxxx>