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Re: OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already on Millions of PCs

LusoTec wrote:

< snip >

>> That is very different than here... we have about 20% Macs in the home
>> and, maybe, 1% Linux.  In the business world, though, Macs are not nearly
>> as common.
> I did not know Macs had such a high user share in the homes. I wounder why
> did it not take has well in Europe.

It is no surprise at all.
A laptop from apple costs about 2 to 2 1/2 times as much as a similar
equipped non-apple-laptop
The apple desktop-systems are simply overpriced junk

In general: European customers simple are not stupid enough as apple needs
them to be
They know very well that the prices in the states are not nearly as idiotic
as they are in europe

Add to that the bad reputation apple earned (rightfully) for treating their
customers as shitty as they did in several cases, and their microscopic
marketshare in europe is no surprise at all
Linux has a *much* higher market share in europe than apple has

< snip >
What happens if a big asteroid hits Earth? Judging from realistic
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