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Re: Upgrade to Windows 7 now!!!!

On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 19:39:58 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ SomeBloke on Wednesday 22 October 2008 19:28 : \____
>> On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 18:45:37 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> ____/ SomeBloke on Wednesday 22 October 2008 17:46 : \____
>>>> This is either hilarious or frightening, I can't decide which...
>>>> http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/10/14/microsoft-announces-1.html
>>> it should be called "Vista 7" to remind people that it's just a Vista
>>> service pack (ask Ballmer). Same problems, same ugly EULA (if not
>>> worse)...
>>> - --
>>>                 ~~ Best of wishes
>> By the time it's released (escapes?) it will probably inform the
>> purchaser that it needs a lot more powerful hardware than the average
>> user is willing to spend, even after upgrading to a quad-core CPU, 8Gb
>> of Ram and a graphics card with a terrabyte of graphics ram.
>> Green computing is not on the MS agenda. No surprise there.
> I'm not sure if they even *have* an agenda. It's a very short-term one
> if one exists because they lack direction (and they know it!). They are
> losing in servers, their desktop market share erodes and they lose
> billions in Entertainment and Web.
> - --
>                 ~~ Best of wishes
 The problem with companies in Microsoft's increasingly uncomfortable 
position is that they tend to lash out wildly, even blindly at real or 
perceived enemies.
Ballmer is a predictable loose cannon, inasmuch as he will obsessively 
spend a lot of cash to attack anyone or any company that he judges is 
threatening Microsofts market share. GNU/Linux is difficult to attack in 
this regard because of its widely scattered structure.
The patent threat can only affect the average user if Microsoft reveal 
which patents the GNU/Linux kernel is 'infringing'. On past evidence this 
is not likely to happen, Ballmer knows he is on to a loser there.
Europe, on the whole, disregards the patent issue in spite of McCreevy. 
If the majority of European GNU/Linux users have the same attitude to 
patents as me then they will continue to use GNU/Linux regardless.

I find this whole thing a real shame. Microsoft undoubtedly started out 
as a company with good intentions. They have become increasingly control 
orientated, so much that it has put off people like myself who get their 
living from supporting Windows users. I am cynical about the whole 
Partner programme, it appears to exist solely to spread propaganda. A 
sense of reality blowing through Microsofts corridors would do the whole 
computer industry some real good. Whether this will happen I sadly doubt.

I'm always kind, polite and reasonable...

except when I'm not.

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