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[News] Over 40% of Sub-notebooks Sold Run GNU/Linux

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Linux Carried Along on Netbooks Wave

,----[ Quote ]
| Morvay revealed to Linux Magazine Online that there were no specific figures 
| for Linux netbook sales, but that it lay somewhere in the 40th percentile. 
| Even though this figure seems a little high, it is known that many of the 
| world's netbooks have Linux on board since their first inception 18 months 
| ago.    
| For example, notebooks with Linux make up about 5.5% of the notebook market 
| in Germany... 


WhatTheyThink.com's Economics and Research Center is Sponsored by MindFireInc. 

,----[ Quote ]
| I love my little Asus Eee 900 netbook. It's been doing quite well in the 
| world market for notebook computers, and there are more on the way. Mine came 
| with Xandros' really scaled down Linux software, but I loaded Ubuntu-eee 
| instead for a much fuller experience. It's great in tight seating on planes.   



Linux preinstalls rocket to three per cent [preinstalled, not installed base]

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is still be shipped with 93 per cent of all PCs sold through
| distribution in the UK, according to Context.
| Yet Linux has nevertheless made an impressive gain.


Sustainable computing for the masses

,----[ Quote ]
| Dukker says about 40 per cent of NComputing's customers have chosen Linux 
|                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| (the company uses Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora or SuSE) and the remainder have gone 
| with Windows on the host. He is careful to specify that he has no religion 
| when it comes to the operating system - it is entirely the buyer's choice. 
| (Of course, if he were not offering the GNU/Linux option, then he wouldn't 
| have got a run here).     

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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