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Re: [News] Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Attacked by the MAFIAA

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
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MPAA slams EFF on RealDVD

,----[ Quote ]
| On Monday, the Motion Picture Association of America responded in an open | letter to the EFF titled: "Hollywood isn't Living in the Past, EFF Shouldn't | Either." In the letter provided to CNET News, the MPAA calls EFF's | claims "disingenuous and wrongheaded." The MPAA says RealDVD, which enables | users to copy the contents on a DVD and save the digital file on a hard | drive, is a pirate tool. `----

Guns are a murderer's tool however we're still waiting for them to be banned from sale in the US. Nice double standards there.

Cat: "I say we get into the jet powered rocket pants and Junior Birdman the hell outta here!" Kryten: "An excellent and inventive suggestion sir with just two minor drawbacks. One: we don't have any jet powered rocket pants, and two: there's no such thing as jet powered rocket pants outside the fictional serial 'Robbie Rocketpants'".
Cat: "Well that's put a crimp on an otherwise damn fine plan."

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