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[News] Microsoft Patent Trolls Infesting India

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India - Enter the patent troll

,----[ Quote ]
| So it was interesting to read a report that the biggest ands scariest one of 
| them all, Intellectual Ventures, founded by the redoubtable Nathan Myhrvold, 
| had come to India. Intellectual Ventures, according to the Wall Street 
| Journal, has more than 20,000 patents and patent applications “related to 
| everything from lasers to computer chips”. Myhrvold was the chief strategist 
| and chief technology officer of Microsoft before he sent up Intellectual 
| Ventures, an idea that he owes to Bill Gates. Microsoft had a huge patent 
| liability problem with a seemingly endless line of people suing the company 
| for infringement of their patents. It was then that Myhrvold came up with the 
| idea of accumulating patents under one roof to manage them better. His 
| rationale: it is more efficient for companies to deal with him than thousands 
| of patent holders. The transaction costs alone make it worthwhile for 
| companies to pay Intellectual Ventures its steep fees.            
| [...]
| Intellectual Ventures debut here coincides with the news that CSIR is 
| considering a move to transfer its patent lode to an independent holding 
| company that will manage it professionally. The patents would be monetised in 
| various ways, licensing being one option.     


They should report Microsoft and Intellectual Venture to the Indian military.
These dangerous people are attempting  aggressive occupation through political
corruption (buying new laws) accompanied by extortion (threats to businesses).
They try to liaise and recruit partners (in crime, i.e. accomplices) to loot
the country with.


Tech Guru Riles the Industry By Seeking Huge Patent Fees

,----[ Quote ]
| Millionaire Nathan Myhrvold, renowned in the computer industry as a
| Renaissance man, has a less lofty message for tech companies these days: Pay
| up.
| Over the past few years, the former Microsoft Corp. executive has quietly
| amassed a trove of 20,000-plus patents and patent applications related to
| everything from lasers to computer chips. He now ranks among the world's
| largest patent-holders -- and is using that clout to press tech giants to
| sign some of the costliest patent-licensing deals ever negotiated.


Controversial patent buyer to start Indian operations in Oct

,----[ Quote ]
| New Delhi: Individual inventors and research organizations here may find
| their patents turning liquid with the imminent entry of Intellectual Ventures
| Llc., a controversial company that owns an estimated 20,000 patents and is in
| the market for as many more as it can lay its hands on.
| The company has already entered into agreements to buy patents from the
| Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology,
| Bombay, and is close to signing an agreement with the Council for Scientific
| and Industrial Research, India’s largest research and development
| organization, said a person familiar with the developments who did not want
| to be named.


Intellectual Ventures turns its attention to India

,----[ Quote ]
| Intellectual Ventures is moving into India says a report published this
| weekend. According to the Wall Street Journal’s Livemint Lounge, IV has
| signed deals to acquire patents from the Indian Institute of Science,
| Bangalore, IIT in Bombay, while it is close to signing an agreement with
| Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
| What the report does not say is whether this is a deal for Indian patents,
| for US patents or for patents internationally. My guess is that there is
| going to have to be a pretty substantial international element. On that
| front, it is worth noting that CSIR is by far the biggest Indian filer of
| international patent applications, filing over 350 in the US alone between
| 2005 and 2007.


Litigating against innovation: Legal attacks on Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Patents and how they're controlled are damaging the way technology is
| developed - and the Linux case is a key example of this.
| [...]
| Litigation as a mode of business is fashionable in the current climate, but
| offers little or nothing of benefit to users or developers. Authorial
| copyrights in the US have been extended to 70 years after the author's death.
| The law that made this possible, the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act,
| was passed in 1998. Patent law, meanwhile, increasingly protects the
| interests of the powerful, encroaches upon notions of innovation and freedom
| to operate, and is used to inhibit competition. Both are in critical need of
| reform.


Memo to Microsoft: Put up or shut up on patent claims

,----[ Quote ]
| They have signed innumerable contracts based on the claims, contracts which
| assume the truth of the claims, and caused the production of products whose
| chief  selling point is that their makers admit the legitimacy of the claims.
| Microsoft seems in no hurry to change the status quo. They are not going to
| put up, in the form of a lawsuit. They are not going to shut up, either,
| given the commercial advantages they have created.


'PatentGate,' one year later: Microsoft against the open-source world

,----[ Quote ]
| "Claiming you have IP that folks are infringing isn't the same thing as
| proving it," wrote Pamela Jones, author of the open-source legal blog
| Groklaw.net, in an e-mail. "I think they [Microsoft] are in a weaker position
| because they did the [cross-licensing] deals. It makes them look needy,
| like they can't make it any more without Linux."
| "The [legal] threat [to open-source] is no greater" today than a year ago,
| wrote Mark Radcliffe, a lawyer with DLA Piper's Silicon Valley office and the
| general counsel of the Open Source Initiative, which oversees the approval of
| open-source software licenses, in an e-mail.
| Take Redmond's attempts to persuade vendors to sign cross-licensing deals
| that include protection from potential open-source patent lawsuits by
| Microsoft.



Sun exec accuses Microsoft of 'patent terrorism'

,----[ Quote ]
| The efforts of Microsoft to pressure the Linux community over alleged and
| unspecified patents is akin to "patent terrorism", according to a local
| executive for Sun Microsystems.


Microsoft, the art of Corporate Terrorism.

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft, no longer the technological leader in the Computer Desktop
| market, is taking on a terrorist role in its attempt remain in power
| at all costs. (see the link to the CNN story below)
| The tactic is intended to frighten current, and would be, free
| software users away from products that Microsoft just can't compete
| with. It's not a new tactic, but for the first time desperation is
| beginning to show.


Convicted Monopolist Terrorizes Software Industry

,----[ Quote ]
| That headline is designed to grab your attention. Sensationalistic as
| it may be, it also happens to be true, if what you mean by 'terrorize'
| is to provoke fear.
| If you've been following the presidential race in the United States,
| you know the present crop of candidates have been exploiting the fear
| of the American people as they never have before in the history of
| the country.

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