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Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X

Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 23:00:32 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> ____/ 7 on Saturday 18 October 2008 20:54 : \____
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> Switch to Ubuntu Linux not Apple Mac OS
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | So why are people not going over to Ubuntu? Beats me. If you are
>>>> | looking for commercial technical support, Ubuntu does offer that. If
>>>> | you are looking at extreme personalization options Ubuntu offers
>>>> | that, probably even more than the Mac OS. If you are looking for easy
>>>> | upgrades to future versions, Ubuntu offers that. If you are looking
>>>> | for ease of use, Ubuntu offers that. If you are looking for
>>>> | robustness and security, Ubuntu is the best. Ubuntu can be installed
>>>> | on all types of hardware and even on older hardware. Mac OS does not
>>>> | offer this flexibility.
>>>> | 
>>>> | The more I use Ubuntu, the more I fail to understand the lure of the
>>>> | Mac OS. Is it the snob value or stupidity that make people consider a
>>>> | Mac over Windows and not Ubuntu?
>>> I'd second that by saying go to www.youtube.com and search for
>>> Linux and compiz. I genuinely fail to see why windummies and appil
>>> retards have such a hard time accepting their osen are nowhere near as
>>> good!
>>> http://www.distrowatch.com
>>> http://www.livecdlist.com
>> Compiz is a big headache to Microsoft. It makes Windows look like the
>> fugliest O/S, which it is.
> Until the person actually runs compiz and finds all the bugs.

As opposed to 'finding features' in the windummy OSen like BSOD?

Linux compiz working 100% and flawless from day one.
The only thing you need to do is set it up properly
and since I adore it so much, I really like doing it well.

Compiz with 16 semitransparent virtual screens in a 'cube' is 
something I can't let go of - and because work is 100% (as opposed to work
being defined as managing your daily BSODs on your WINDUMMY PC), I have
several virtual machines running at the same time doing things and when
speed is everything, even things like directory access lag with tens of
thousands of files is some directories hogging the CPU for 2 or 3 seconds
is an issue - so I bought an SSD which cuts that by about 25% to 50%.

With the Pickit2 programmer from microchip being operated under Linux and
Linux PIC compilers available, I am the point where dumping
the windummy PC altogether is a commercial option and leaving
it asside to support legacy stuff is the only reason for having it around.

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