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[News] Palm Bets Its Whole Business on GNU/Linux

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Treo Pro Unlocked in Bid to Lower Roaming Costs

,----[ Quote ]
| The new operating system is designed for products targeted at consumers.


Linux sells. Proof below.


T-Mobile G1 Android Phone already sold 1.5 million Units?

,----[ Quote ]
| We already reported that pre-orders for the first Android smartphone are very
| strong. Now Fool.com puts a number on how well the T-Mobile G1 pre-orders are
| actually going. If the number is correct, early adopters already ordered 1.5
| million T-Mobile G1 phones. It looks like the Google controlled Open Source
| Phone is off to a great start.


Google's Android: It's not just for phones

,----[ Quote ]
| Bruggeman declined to share specifics about which Internet-connected devices
| might employ the operating system, but he did mention TVs and set-top boxes
| as well as cars. And he was confident some will arrive next year.
| "I don't want to pre-announce any design wins," he said. "I think you'll see
| them in 2009. I would be shocked if you didn't."


Next-gen Palm OS coming in early 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| Palm’s next-generation operating system will be finished by the end of the
| year, according to the company by way of RegHardware.
| According to Palm, the Linux-based system software known as “Palm OS II”
| and “Nova” is “on track” for completion by the end of calendar 2008, with
| handsets based on the OS to follow in the first half of 2009.


OpenMoko CEO: Embrace fragmentation, diversity is a strength

,----[ Quote ]
| During his presentation, Moss-Pultz looked back at the successes and
| challenges encountered by the OpenMoko community in the past year and talked
| about how the project's adaptability and commitment to freedom have
| contributed to its current status.
| Although the OpenMoko concept was initially met with enormous skepticism, it
| has achieved success and is now generating profit. The company's first
| handset, the Neo1973, was manufactured in limited quantity and sold out
| completely within the first three days after it launched. Demand for the
| product was unexpectedly high, and Moss-Pultz humorously remarked that it
| probably would have sold out faster if the servers had been able to better
| withstand the massive traffic.


Palm Centro hits 1 million unit mark

,----[ Quote ]
| But if Palm can build off the Centro with its next device, a Linux-based
| handset, we might see Palm back in the mix in a big way.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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