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Re: Linux/FOSS vs Windows, software popularity stats, week ending 11th Oct 2008

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____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Saturday 11 October 2008 12:54 : \____

> After takin' a swig o' grog, Homer belched out
>   this bit o' wisdom:
>> Linux/FOSS project popularity week ending 11 Oct 08 (freshmeat.net)
>> Rank | Name                  | Score %   | Platform  | Purpose
>> 4    | Apache                |  72.44    | Multi     | Web Server
>> 5    | gcc                   |  71.93    | Posix     | Dev
>> 7    | PHP                   |  64.15    | Multi     | Web/Dev
>> 9    | PostgreSQL            |  54.91    | Multi     | Database
>> 10   | MySQL                 |  54.15    | Multi     | Database
> To be fair, it is obvious that Linux has a much higher population of
> technical users, even today.  Would a consumer download /any/ of the
> above?
> The Windows crowd is still dominated by "blinking 12:00" users.

Even advanced Windows users require 'security' (snake oil) binaries. In fact,
GNU/Linux users get security as part of the product, whereas Windows users
just need to hunt for 'addons' that achieve this 'seemingly unimportant' trait
of the software.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Lions are like hippie tigers"
http://Schestowitz.com  |    RHAT Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
 13:05:01 up 5 days,  1:56,  1 user,  load average: 0.79, 1.00, 0.97
      http://iuron.com - Open Source knowledge engine project
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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